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Schedule Climate Control when not plugged in

Startet av goawtason, mandag 29. november 2021, klokken 10:35

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We have just got the new 2021 Hyundai Kona premium.

Does anyone know if the scheduling of the climate control only works if the vehicle is plugged in?

Through my bluelink app I can turn on the climate control straight away no matter where the car is and this is a great function. However, it doesn't seem to work if I try to schedule it for a specific time the morning after, for example. This is when it isn't plugged in ( i will test if it works whilst plugged in tonight).

To set this you 'for some reason' have to click on schedule charging and climate control in the app so i was maybe thinking this only works if it is actually plugged in

If so it makes no sense as i can make it come on instantly through the app, then why not schedule it without it having to be plugged in? For clarity it does let me schedule it but it just doesn't actually turn on the climate for the required departure time.

Any ideas??


The answer is yes it needs to be plugged in to be used for scheduled climate.  You can use the bluelink to turn on the climate when not plugged in including heated mirrors/windows and steering wheel but if you want the car to be ready to go say at 7AM every morning it needs to be plugged in. 

I have mine set to max 80% home charge and leave it plugged in overnight for my car to be ready and warm at 6am every morning.  It will not charge or use any power during the night after 80% charge is reached.


Thanks for the answer.

Seems completely stupid that it needs to be plugged in just for the climate to be scheduled!! Especially when you can activated the climate randomly with the app to come on straight away.

I am trying to see the sense in it but cannot :)

Can i ask if there is a reason you have set it to max 80%? Surely it is best to get a 100% charge from a basic home charger, unless of course it is the same principle as the fast chargers you pay for in that the last 20% is always slower and users more??


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