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Nicometer i Nye Think

Startet av elektrolux, fredag 17. februar 2012, klokken 12:21

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Here just a closer look of the "Drive page":

I've seen a problem with the code which is responsible to find the right gear lever position - P and E isn't working for me. But I have allready a solution. I found some other Bits in the same CAN-message which are decoding the position.

I'm not sure about the need of max an min temprature of the battery (under SoC - State of Charge). I guess I will remove them. When I'm following the temprature values in my CAN-messages, there are almost no changes over a longer period of time.

I've designed another graphic presentation of the "SoC" of the two battery packs and the total "SoC". It looks like the battery pack but with two halves.

There are some letters to distinguish between the different "modules" like "Battery Info", "Mains" and so on. I've removed some of them allready. Some others I have to remove.


So if you have some other suggestions or bugs you've seen, just write them down here.
I'll write a "to-do-list" and sort them after workload.  ;)


If you want, you can make an option to reset fault messages of the Enerdel battery from the Nicometer ;)

Sakset fra "Vehicle_CAN_Bus_Guide_V3.0":
ID: 745
Received by BMS
Periodic Rate:    non-periodic    (Special diagnostic command)

To clear all fault codes, send the following message (values in hex):
ID    Data 0    Data1    Data 2    Data 3    Data 4    Data 5    Data 6    Data 7
745    03    14    FF    00    xx    xx    xx    xx
(xx bytes are "don't care" and may be transmitted as 00 or not transmitted)

Upon successful clearing of fault codes, the BMS will transmit the following message :
ID    Data 0    Data1    Data 2    Data 3    Data 4    Data 5    Data 6    Data 7
74D    03    54    FF    00    00    00    00    00

Any faults that are presently active may be immediately set again by the BMS diagnostic executive.
Messages 745 and 74D are not called out in the dbc file, because they are special messages typically only used by a diagnostic tool.

( )


Sitat fra: Warlock på onsdag 29. mars 2023, klokken 18:09If you want, you can make an option to reset fault messages of the Enerdel battery from the Nicometer ;)

I've allready thought of that, but didn't used more time for investigations.

But since I'm knowing now that CommTool get a message after "Clear all Malf Codes" which is translated "Security passed", I suggested that there must be some kind of confirmation.

Fault Reset - noted ;)


Just some updates from the last days.

Since I have to fix my Think, too, I'm trying to find some smart solutions I can use later in the "Nicometer".

I used some houres the last days to get the programcode to look more tidy and deleted more "dead/unused code".

Overlaymenu is working now. There are five menuitems to choose between. It is controlled with one or two buttons. I have to figure out, what's best. The menuitem which is choosen has reversed text - black on white. The other menuitems are white on black.

My dream is to use a small joystick with button up, down, left right and middle. This would be genious and as I mentiod before, it would look like in a modern car.

My first "menuitem" is named "Battery". I created a picture in GIMP. It shows a 3D view of the (ENERDEL)battery. The battery is splittet in 16 modules, like the original battery. In front of the picture you can find two rectangles where the "StateOfCharge" of the left and the right part of the battery is showed.

Above the battery picture the "whole" StateOfCharge is showed.

Every module has the original number as it showes in ENERDEL documentation.
Beside the number I can show the voltage of the module or the temprature and so on. I have to figure out what looks best. Less informations at once are best! Or it becomes confusing.

I have startet to change the colour of a module if there are warnings or faults. So I can reverse the colour of the module from black to white. This is actually something I wanted to do for myself, since I have problems with one module.  ;)  So in future it will be easier to find a fault in "Nicometer".

I use the telegrams from CommTool. CommTool sends telegrams to get informations from the slaves and so on. In the "Nicometer" one CAN-message is configured to send telegrams. But it is not in use in the version we have now. So I use it now. There are many interessting telegrams in CommTool to get more information from the battery which normally aren't transfered on the CAN-bus.

Unfortunately I have no pictures right now. I mounted the small display in my car and use an old flat TV at home to see what I'm programming. I will try to take some useful pictures.  ;)

The programcode has so many comments, now, that the size of the file is quite bigger than before.  :D  Loading of the file take a little bit longer, but not so much that somebody will recognize it.

Since I'm useing to new FONTS and some BMPs, now, it's necessary to download more files to the Duinomite, since the programcode is useing them.

By the way - I changed the start animation again. I took the original "THINK-logo" and converted it in GIMP. The Duinomite can only show Bitmaps (bmp) with 1Bit colour - black or white.  ;D

Now, the original logo is showed in the beginning, than it's vanishing and the exclamation mark comes on again before the "CAN-configuration" is printed on the screen.

I will make a new video.  ;)

Have a nice evening!


This just sound sooo cool   8)
Really looking forward to see what you are making  :+1:


A little update, since I was/I am quiet busy fixing my Think.

Here is a video about the changes I did in the "Nicometer" program. I wrote some explanations in the description field.

You will see the different standard pages with some minor design changes - using symbols and graphic elements.

You will see the overlay menue and choosing an item and closing automatically if you don't choose an item.
You will see the battery info page with the 16 modules and two battery halfs (Enerdel).

Since I haven't connect my car to it (difficult since it's partially disassembled  :D ) you can't see any values. Neither did I use/activate testvalues. It's possible since there is a subroutine already, but I didn't put inn other variables which I need for the battery info page.

How ever, the joystick control is working fine. I like it very much! All button signals are push/impulse signals. It's easier to override such signals in the program. Otherwise you're dependent to change a button position.


Looking very good!  :+1:
I really like the battery screen you have drawn (has 5 and 6 swapped places?)

If you need to "fake" your car for testing, you can play back a grabbed file in SavvyCAN (and even add in more messages if you like) :)


Sitat fra: Warlock på mandag 10. april 2023, klokken 21:23Looking very good!  :+1:
I really like the battery screen you have drawn (has 5 and 6 swapped places?)

If you need to "fake" your car for testing, you can play back a grabbed file in SavvyCAN (and even add in more messages if you like) :)

I saw first in the video that I swapped 5 & 6  ::)
Changed it at once. Now it's right.  ;)

I thought about the possibility to record telegrams with SavvyCAN, but I didn't play back my record before.

Did you do that before?


Yeah, I've used SavvyCAN for "playback" just to simulate a car. It was very helpful to find which messages was necessary to start up a CAN (well actually LIN) controlled heater, and most of all to find out which messages was not necessary, just by taking them out of the playback-loop.

More recently I have used it with other projects just to see if builds of small controller-cards or new cheap hardware from Aliexpress is working the way I thought (ie. is capable of receiving any kind of message.) It is easier to do on the workbench than fiddling with it in a car. Just remember you might need to put in the bus termination resistor.


That's cool!

I recorded a lot and over a longer period of time before I started to disamble my car.
So I'll try to do that with my PCAN cable and a 120Ohm resistance, if necessary.

Nice!  :)


Guys, I take a break from the forum for a year or two and you make wonders with my code!
I should have taken break long time ago!

bcx238h - the latest video is amazing!

I am back now and want to help - where do I find the latest code?
Should I put it on github so we can manage changes easier?
nikometer? -


Sitat fra: BauDemo på torsdag 27. april 2023, klokken 08:14Guys, I take a break from the forum for a year or two and you make wonders with my code!
I should have taken break long time ago!

bcx238h - the latest video is amazing!

I am back now and want to help - where do I find the latest code?
Should I put it on github so we can manage changes easier?

Hello again!

I'm sorry for my extended pause, too.  ;)
In the meantime I had to fix some other stuff at home.  ::)

But fortunately I got my "new" RLEC which I want to install tomorrow.  :)

I haven't published the code online. But I can do it. I'll come back to that when I'm ready...

I've moved my inputs/outputs installasjon to a smaller breadboard.
And I changed the connectors of my joystick. Now it will fit better in the car, too.

I started to build a 12V battery state of charge LED indicator with 8 LED's since I have so many electronic parts I have to build something with.  :) I'll place it in the dashbord, too. After a while my Think will look like a small spaceship inside.  ;D

CU soon...


I changed the bulb on one of the unused buttons with an RGB-led and made a 12V indicator

less than 11.9V -> RED
11.9V to 12.7V  -> Orange
and over 12.7V  -> Green

Works perfect for me, and looks integrated. The button press also makes the light glow brighter, and turn on the backlight on a Inside/Outside temperature display i mounted between the gear-selector and the coin/keys storage slot...


Sitat fra: Warlock på søndag 30. april 2023, klokken 15:12I changed the bulb on one of the unused buttons with an RGB-led and made a 12V indicator

less than 11.9V -> RED
11.9V to 12.7V  -> Orange
and over 12.7V  -> Green

Works perfect for me, and looks integrated. The button press also makes the light glow brighter, and turn on the backlight on a Inside/Outside temperature display i mounted between the gear-selector and the coin/keys storage slot...

That's a nice idea! Perhaps I consider your solution.  ;)

I like the old fashion of a LED-bar.   :D   RGB came later ... after my time on school.  ;D


Hello again!

I put the "newer Nicometer" code and the font- and bitmap-files in a zip-folder.
As usual I had to change the file-extension name from zip to txt.

Just download, change the extension name and unpack.

You will get the autorun.bas which everybody can open with notepad.
The two font-files can be opened with notepad, too.
The two logo-bitmaps can be opened with every normal picture viewer.

As you can see on the picture you can see my hardwareconfiguration for this program.
The biggest change is the joystick for the menue-navigation.

I use manual signals to change between the different pages, since I can't use "autoscreen" function without a car.  ;)

The code is full of comments. Unfortunately I wasn't consistent with use of english and norwegian explanations. Sorry for that! I hope there're no german phrases left.  ::)

Some parts are not fully developed, like the battery-overview.

But all the other stuff is working ... so long.

Have fun exploring the changes...  ;D

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