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Airbaglampe lyser konstant

Startet av POSi411, fredag 29. mai 2015, klokken 23:09

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Sitat fra: BauDemo på torsdag 17. januar 2019, klokken 10:25
"- use a diagnostic tool to check for messages on the CAN bus"?
Maybe there is simply an error - maybe some of the sensors for the belts are not working, etc...
Thanks N, there is simply a cable going to the left seat sensor that has a short circuit. Fixing this solved the lot
2011 Think City 4-seter (rød) Enerdel Lithium (ex Zebra), ESP, a/c og PTC varme
E-twow Booster 2S el sparkesykkel
ex 2003 Kewet 5 (grønn)
ex 2020 Vespa Elettrica L3 (70 km/t)
ex Go Motorboard el sparkesykkel


Great find! Do you happen to make a photo?
Why was it short? Mechanical or heat?
nikometer? -


I was too fast there, I'm afraid. There was no short circuit, but there is something going on under the front seat with the wires. Moving them a bit makes the airbag light stay off, but this is no stable solution.
I find it hard to find the RAC, the carpet seems to be quite stuck and hard to remove?
How can I take the seat out, is this hard? In order to be able to check wires and attachments properly. I have a four seater.
2011 Think City 4-seter (rød) Enerdel Lithium (ex Zebra), ESP, a/c og PTC varme
E-twow Booster 2S el sparkesykkel
ex 2003 Kewet 5 (grønn)
ex 2020 Vespa Elettrica L3 (70 km/t)
ex Go Motorboard el sparkesykkel


If your car has Gen 2 PCU, then it is the PCU that controls the airbag lamp and not the RAC.
The RAC on Gen 2 cars has nothing to do with the lamp. Look at the wiring diagrams.
nikometer? -


Sitat fra: BauDemo på mandag 04. februar 2019, klokken 11:05
If your car has Gen 2 PCU, then it is the PCU that controls the airbag lamp and not the RAC.
The RAC on Gen 2 cars has nothing to do with the lamp. Look at the wiring diagrams.
Thanks, that was informative!
2011 Think City 4-seter (rød) Enerdel Lithium (ex Zebra), ESP, a/c og PTC varme
E-twow Booster 2S el sparkesykkel
ex 2003 Kewet 5 (grønn)
ex 2020 Vespa Elettrica L3 (70 km/t)
ex Go Motorboard el sparkesykkel


Gir meg ikke helt på denne. Jeg leste meg opp til at det går ledning fra VCU ved rattstammen til airbag lampen. Ledning nr 5 som er oransje/grønn, i pluggen med 12 ledninger. Så min tanke var at dersom denne ledningen kuttes så vil lyset gå av. Jeg fikk bekreftet at det kommer strøm på den ledningen idet lampen tennes, så det virker riktig. Men når jeg kutter ledningen lyser fremdeles lampen, så dette hjalp ingenting. Var ikke det litt merkelig, tenker jeg feil her?
2011 Think City 4-seter (rød) Enerdel Lithium (ex Zebra), ESP, a/c og PTC varme
E-twow Booster 2S el sparkesykkel
ex 2003 Kewet 5 (grønn)
ex 2020 Vespa Elettrica L3 (70 km/t)
ex Go Motorboard el sparkesykkel


On Gen 1 cars you need to short the pin to ground in order for the lamp to turn off. The idea is that if the wire is broken or cut the lamp will be "on" and you will be alerted that there is a problem with the system.
nikometer? -


Sitat fra: BauDemo på lørdag 16. februar 2019, klokken 18:04
On Gen 1 cars you need to short the pin to ground in order for the lamp to turn off. The idea is that if the wire is broken or cut the lamp will be "on" and you will be alerted that there is a problem with the system.
Thanks, how about gen2 cars?
2011 Think City 4-seter (rød) Enerdel Lithium (ex Zebra), ESP, a/c og PTC varme
E-twow Booster 2S el sparkesykkel
ex 2003 Kewet 5 (grønn)
ex 2020 Vespa Elettrica L3 (70 km/t)
ex Go Motorboard el sparkesykkel


I could speculate that it is the same, but I have never tested it. Maybe you could test it via a resistor, so you don't blow up a fuse or something and see how it works.
nikometer? -


Sitat fra: BauDemo på lørdag 16. februar 2019, klokken 21:04
I could speculate that it is the same, but I have never tested it. Maybe you could test it via a resistor, so you don't blow up a fuse or something and see how it works.
Ok, but there is voltage on that lead when light is on, if I ground that lead there will be a short circuit won't it? 
How much resistance should the resistor have would you suggest? Something like this or more resistance with a std resistor?
2011 Think City 4-seter (rød) Enerdel Lithium (ex Zebra), ESP, a/c og PTC varme
E-twow Booster 2S el sparkesykkel
ex 2003 Kewet 5 (grønn)
ex 2020 Vespa Elettrica L3 (70 km/t)
ex Go Motorboard el sparkesykkel


Sitat fra: BauDemo på lørdag 16. februar 2019, klokken 21:04
I could speculate that it is the same, but I have never tested it. Maybe you could test it via a resistor, so you don't blow up a fuse or something and see how it works.
Yes, you were right. This solved the lot. Thanks.
2011 Think City 4-seter (rød) Enerdel Lithium (ex Zebra), ESP, a/c og PTC varme
E-twow Booster 2S el sparkesykkel
ex 2003 Kewet 5 (grønn)
ex 2020 Vespa Elettrica L3 (70 km/t)
ex Go Motorboard el sparkesykkel


What resistor did you end up using?
Any photos on where you connected that?
Also - the fact that the light is on could mean that you may have some issues with the SRS system that need to be checked.
nikometer? -


Regarding fault on SRS, the light went on and off, related to passenger in seat or not, and buckle or not. Although no clear pattern and no clear fault, I rule out the SRS itself.

I ended up using this resistor, 39 ohms  10W.

In addition, I used a timer relay to make the grounding after some seconds.

VCU box under steering wheel, towards side of car, just above pedals.

This is the wiring. Wire 5 on 12-pin coloured orange and green, to ground through resistor:
2011 Think City 4-seter (rød) Enerdel Lithium (ex Zebra), ESP, a/c og PTC varme
E-twow Booster 2S el sparkesykkel
ex 2003 Kewet 5 (grønn)
ex 2020 Vespa Elettrica L3 (70 km/t)
ex Go Motorboard el sparkesykkel

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