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EcoBest Challenge 2024

Startet av Suverin, onsdag 04. september 2024, klokken 11:00

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Biler i årets test:
Audi Q4 Sportback e-tron, BMW i5 Touring, BYD Dolphin, Fiat 600e, Honda e: Ny1, Hyundai Kona, Kia EV9, Lancia Ypsilon, Mini Cooper SE, Opel Corsa, Tesla Model Y, Volkswagen ID.7 and Volvo EX30

Sitat fra: AutobestChallengeThe tests performed this year show great improvements compared to last year in some areas such as fast DC charging times, but none in the key area of the energy efficiency, which should urgently become a main focus for electric vehicle manufacturers . If in general electric mobility makes good progress at a much higher pace than most expected, this progress is not homogeneous, as shows the fact that 6 different cars from 6 different brands (Volvo twice, Kia, Audi, Opel, Honda and Mini) took victory out of the 7 categories of the ECOBEST Challenge's tests and indexes.

Another surprise is the fact that, while it has been a leader and the benchmark for electric mobility for several years, Tesla does not dominate any category in 2024.

"The tests performed at the 2024 ECOBEST Challenge once again clearly show that the future of the electric car does not consist in bigger and bigger batteries but, on one hand in improving the energy efficiency, meaning in increasing the distance that can be covered with every single kWh. And, on the other hand, in providing users with faster and faster charging times. While we could see great progress in charging times, we were disappointed by a rather stagnating energy efficiency" said Dan Vardie, Founder and Chairman of AUTOBEST and creator of the ECOBEST Challenge.

Q4 med minst WLTP-avvik, Model Y med størst:

Les alle resultatene:

Resultatet diskuteres også i "Mil etter mil"-podcasten:
Kjører Solterra og Model 3.
«Can the Solterra Subaru? - Holy shit! Yeah! There is absolutely no reason not to go do Subaru stuff in the Solterra!»

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