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Må disse bremsene byttes? (4år / 75000km)

Startet av RN1776, torsdag 30. november 2023, klokken 14:29

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Hei dere

I went for the first EU Kontroll for my car, and they failed it due to "rusts on the brakes".

*"Mer enn 25% rust pa en side av bremsekive, Begge sider, Fremre, Spessinside og utside"
*"Mer enn 50% rust pa en side av bremsekive, Hoyre, Bakre, Inside"

They suggested I replace all rotors and pads. 

Do you agree with the assessment? Is this typical for this age?

It doesn't seem entirely correct to me:

-the rotors and pads have sufficient thickness (visually and measured with caliper). 
-the Bedømming is about rust (superficial), not about equipment thickness/life
-the visible rust is minor, and can burnish off by using the friction brakes strongly
-there is some scoring/grooves on the rotor that can also be burnished down evenly
-Tesla service center also performed brake servicing 2 months ago ("fluid check, clean and lubricate calipers"), with no worries about the rotor condition

Cars in public have brakes that look similar to this. The braking performance is sound. It seems wasteful to have to replace all these parts?  When were you required to replace yours?

Big picture:


Sitat fra: RN1776 på torsdag 30. november 2023, klokken 14:29-Tesla service center also performed brake servicing 2 months ago ("fluid check, clean and lubricate calipers"), with no worries about the rotor condition
Why dident you let the same service center do the EU-kontroll then ??

I recomend do this procedure irregularly
Tesla Model 3 AWD/FSD 03/2019 med sw: 2023.44.30.9  og en Seat Mii 2020.
Bor i Asker. Elbilist siden 2005.
Har hatt div. Saxo/P106 som vi har kjørt tilsammen 170.000 km. Kun en P106 igjen nå.
eUp 2015 - solgt.


Sitat fra: Elmo på torsdag 30. november 2023, klokken 19:47Why dident you let the same service center do the EU-kontroll then ??

I recomend do this procedure irregularly

This moderately-popular 3rd party store had the earliest appointment available.

If I knew they would be this strict (wrong?), I would have gone to Tesla.  At minimum, I would have first run the burnish process like in the video!!!

I don't know if the regulation requires *proof* of replacement of brakes, or only that the brakes (after burnishing) demonstrates compliance in Etter Kontroll?

Problem is when I returned to Tesla to request Kontroll, they explained that vegvesen's record of the previous kontroll requires that the brakes be changed; they cannot simply perform their own Kontroll.  That doesn't seem correct.  Maybe something got "lost in translation"


The fault recorded in the national computer systems is rust on discs, according to the text.

On the follow-up inspection, only rusted discs is required to be inspected.
So if you polish the discs, or get them machined, and keep them well within minimum thickness requirements, you are cleared no problem.

However, you need to drive more, and more active, to prevent this amount of rust😄

Our oldest model Y for comparison (2 years +) has zero rust, but is in use every day and gets a long trip just about every week or so.
- 2023 Tesla Y, RWD
- 2021 Tesla Y, LR


just do a lap around nurbugring and the the rotors will be shiny  :laugh:
Also accellerating hard and brake hard several times do the trick.
Or press the brake pedal together with the gas pedal should clean it for rust fast too.
Spraying/rub vinegard or rustkiller on the rotor also help to clean the rust.
Brake service tips:


Sitat fra: RN1776 på torsdag 30. november 2023, klokken 20:38I don't know if the regulation requires *proof* of replacement of brakes, or only that the brakes (after burnishing) demonstrates compliance in Etter Kontroll?
I'm not sure what the requirements say, but I doubt any garage will approve used discs that another garage has turned down.

But do as magnetic suggests and then take the Etter-Kontroll at the Tesla service centre you mentioned in the post.
Tesla Model 3 AWD/FSD 03/2019 med sw: 2023.44.30.9  og en Seat Mii 2020.
Bor i Asker. Elbilist siden 2005.
Har hatt div. Saxo/P106 som vi har kjørt tilsammen 170.000 km. Kun en P106 igjen nå.
eUp 2015 - solgt.


Sitat fra: Radial på torsdag 30. november 2023, klokken 20:47The fault recorded in the national computer systems is rust on discs, according to the text.

On the follow-up inspection, only rusted discs is required to be inspected.
So if you polish the discs, or get them machined, and keep them well within minimum thickness requirements, you are cleared no problem.
This makes the most obvious sense!

In theory a driver can schedule an "Etter-kontroll", with any shop, and their responsibility is simply to inspect the issues reported in the previous Kontroll?

What was confusing was I used the Tesla app to make a service request for etter control, and they sent back an estimate for replacing the parts instead of just making the inspection.  Possibly there was a miscommunication with them ?


either way i will soon find a safe and empty road around the Norseburgring to perform this self-burnishing process :)

i should have done it when the car was brand new.  there was some grooving on the rotor early on and i assumed it would eventually wear down flat and evenly. 


Hey. If you disagreed with the EU kontroll that was done. And think its wrong. And you have tried to talk to the Company that  did the eu control. You can always talk to States vegvesen for a check. Keep in mind thr complaint from EU is also on inside. Check inside And see how the brakes disk is.

If they look good now And they pass brake roller test. They should maybe pass EU control. But always easyer to get States vegvesen on your side.


Kjøp skriver + klosser på feks skruvat. Mye billigere.


Sitat fra: filtvet på mandag 11. desember 2023, klokken 15:33Kjøp skriver + klosser på feks skruvat. Mye billigere.

Eller feks, men moms og frakt kan gjøre det dyrt likevel.
- 2023 Tesla Y, RWD
- 2021 Tesla Y, LR


Sitat fra: Radial på mandag 11. desember 2023, klokken 15:47
Sitat fra: filtvet på mandag 11. desember 2023, klokken 15:33Kjøp skriver + klosser på feks skruvat. Mye billigere.

Eller feks, men moms og frakt kan gjøre det dyrt likevel.

Bremsedeler er såpass billig på og osv. at det er ingen vits å bestille fra utlandet.
Tesla Model 3 AWD/FSD 03/2019 med sw: 2023.44.30.9  og en Seat Mii 2020.
Bor i Asker. Elbilist siden 2005.
Har hatt div. Saxo/P106 som vi har kjørt tilsammen 170.000 km. Kun en P106 igjen nå.
eUp 2015 - solgt.


Sitat fra: TheMaltake på søndag 10. desember 2023, klokken 19:56Hey. If you disagreed with the EU kontroll that was done. And think its wrong. And you have tried to talk to the Company that  did the eu control. You can always talk to States vegvesen for a check. Keep in mind thr complaint from EU is also on inside. Check inside And see how the brakes disk is.

If they look good now And they pass brake roller test. They should maybe pass EU control. But always easyer to get States vegvesen on your side.

Thank you. I did not know if it was possible, or easy (non-bureaucratic), to appeal to Statens Vegvesen or someone else.

It seemed autocratic that an independent party can just declare something is bad, and the only recourse is a full replacement!

I ran a few cycles of the Tesla spftware-guided burnishing and the rotors look like shiny dinnerplates :)

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