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Help with leaf batteries in M9 Buddy

Startet av Buddyman00, mandag 13. november 2023, klokken 14:11

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Hello elbilsforum, we are two students from Finland and we are doing a thesis project on swapping Nissan Leaf batteries into a Buddy. This Buddy is the M9 model, first reg. in Norway August 2010 and was equipped with the NiMh batteries. Now it has Nissan Leaf batteries. The batteries are in the car with the motor connected and a measured voltage of around 70V+. So the problem we have is that when turning the key nothing happens (of course). We have the following marked cables that were on the NiMh batteries:

+1V (or so we assume since the tag is unreadable)
+3V (front battery)
+5V (front battery)
+7V (under seat battery)
+9V (under seat)
+11V (under seat)
-12V (under seat)
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Du kan ikke vise dette vedlegget.Du kan ikke vise dette vedlegget.
Du kan ikke vise dette vedlegget.Du kan ikke vise dette vedlegget.
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We assume that these cables have to do with the CarControllers voltage reading of the batteries and without these connected the car will not start. The question is does anyone here know how these need to be connected to the new batteries so we could test the car. We also have a BMS but that isn't connected since we are only going to be using it for charging. Thank you in advance for the help and any other insights or contact info to people who have done similar swaps would be greatly appreciated.

Vennlig hilsen,
Markus og Edvin

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