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Unresponsive screen

Startet av mak2307, søndag 27. juni 2021, klokken 22:48

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My display has been working fine normally but ive had 2 instances where it has become completely unresponsive.

Hard button shortcuts like klima work but you can do anything more as the touch functions dont work.

Has anyone else had similar experience? Any work around to shut down the panel and restart it. Holding the power button only shows the clock and nothing more.

Thanks in advance.
2021 ENYAQ iV80 Sportline


I experienced a frozen screen the first day.
I don't know if that is the reason it wont get out of "private mode" now.
The car will be sent to maintenance because of this issue.
(Blå Leaf. April 2012 - Nov 2021)
Quartz grå Enyaq iV80 juni 2021


We are also having what seems to be the same issues. In addition, as I wrote in another topic, we have problems with the app, where it does not get contact with the car prior to charging over night.

I really did hope these types of issues were resolved by now. We are supposed to drive quite far this summer, but without navigation, radio, the possibility to see SOC in percentage and CarPlay is simply less fun.
Kona Sutra LTD 2019
Kona Dew Plus 2022 (vinterpendlemaskinen)
Škoda Enyaq iV80 Sportline 2021

VW e-Golf 2019


The solution for the frozen screen was simply to press the on button beside the screen, wait until it turns black, and the system turns on again with everything working.
Kona Sutra LTD 2019
Kona Dew Plus 2022 (vinterpendlemaskinen)
Škoda Enyaq iV80 Sportline 2021

VW e-Golf 2019


Thank you for your feedback. Heldigvis its working now but ill try the holding button trick next time.
2021 ENYAQ iV80 Sportline


Jeg bestilte siste uken i april. Vanlig IV80 med relativt mye utstyr - de fleste pakkene, soltak, suite interiør. Fikk bil nå i midten av forrige uke. Fornøyd så langt.


Sitat fra: krille på søndag 04. juli 2021, klokken 22:37
Jeg bestilte siste uken i april. Vanlig IV80 med relativt mye utstyr - de fleste pakkene, soltak, suite interiør. Fikk bil nå i midten av forrige uke. Fornøyd så langt.

Takk for ditt totalt urelaterte innlegg til tråden. 👌

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