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Buying Elbil for export from Norway

Startet av jameshib, torsdag 25. juni 2020, klokken 16:02

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Hello everybody!

I hope I am right here. First of all and shortly summarized: I want to order a Polestar 2 in Norway and then export it to my homecountry Switzerland.

I already exported a Volvo once from Sweden on my own. There everything was clear: I received the export plates from the Transportstyrelsen and had a full coverage insurance by Volvia for one month.

Now in Norway it doesnt seem so common for people to export cars on their own.
I found the following link:

There it is stated:
"Export number plates (special registration) : These number plates are mainly issued only to new cars. The police are responsible for issuing export number plates, so you need to contact them for more information."

I contacted the Norwegian police twice and they state that they are not responsible for issuing these plates. When I asked back at they told me again that the Police is for sure responsible for issuing these type of plates.

So I have a few questions:

- Does maybe someone have the contact information of the correct department who is issuing Export plates?

- Is there an insurance company who sells full coverage export insurances for new cars in Norway?

- Order Handling: I asked the few Volvo Dealerships in Norway if they would order a Polestar 2 in their name and then sell it to me with a handling fee (for getting the car, reassigning it to me, etc.). However Polestar forbids the Volvo Dealerships such type of business (so they can sell more expensive directly in other markets). Now I found a car dealership who would do something like that (they sell used cars). However I wanted to ask you if you would have any tips of any serious Car dealership where you had good experience and would do such type of business.

Why I want to order in Norway? 1. I will have the car sooner, 2. it is around 100'000 NOK cheaper (incl. Swiss VAT) & 3. it would be a nice first trip with the P2.

Thank you in advance for your answers or advice (if you have any :) )

Best Regards,


Before the electric cars (without VAT), the "only" cars that where exported was exclusive classic cars that had a limited production (cars that increase in price). Lately there has been sold (or at least tried sold) Norwegian Tesla's in Germany, maybe someone here has done it? If you don't get any answers you could try "Porscheentusiaster Norge" on facebook, I know that some of their cars has been exported (I'm not sure if the people with cars costing from 300' EUR are active on the forums on facebook though).

The only recommendation regarding the plates would have to have the car transported. Would think that most cars exported from Norway is transported on a truck. In Germany you can get export plates (with insurrance included) "everywhere". transports cars from Germany to Norway for around 10-15' NOK and make sure that the right VAT/Tolls are paid/reclaimed and insurance on the transport is included. Much easier than doing it yourself, but for me, some of the fun has been to drive the car from Germany to Norway.

Pettersen Autoimport has a good reputation ( ) for importing cars to Norway. There are probably a lot of other good ones to, but remember that these import car sellers are used to a hefty profit (I know of examples of 100' NOK profit on a car to 500' NOK). Pettersen can probably help you, as long as you are willing to pay a handling fee and a deposit. I would guess that they have exported exclusive cars earlier, but I'm not sure.
Solgt: i3 (60Ah)-I-pace S-EQC-Model 3 LR-Ampera-Model Y-I-pace FE


When Norwegians import cars, they usually get them transported on a truck from Germany to Norway, and buy a whole insurance for the transport. (transport insurance, kasko). Then they register the car here, and pay the fees to do so. The price is usually about 100€ for that insurance, based on the value of the car.
Transportation is cheap these days.


The norwegian Krone is volatile these days, and prices might change rapidly, and it might be smart to compare prices in different countries. Usually it is cheaper to buy EVs in other countries than Norway.

If you buy car in Norway, you can tell the seller if you don't want the 3000NOK Scrap deposit. I don't know if you manage to get a refund.

Norwegian trade number, cost 330kr a day, insurance included, and it is valid in just some nordic countries, and it might require norwegian social securtiy number or organization number. You can ask the dealer or any Norwegain for help:

Ordinary norwegian number plates used to cost NOK120kr, if you go to the office of Vegvesen. The dealer might charge you a lot higher price. It require scrap deposit and norwegian VAT that is currently 0, but you have to "pay" it. And you have to pay an environment tax for the AC-gas of few hundreds of Kroner. If any importer has already paid the taxes, you need in addicion insurance and a social security number or organization number.

I just found a consumer-page telling that export plates are issued by the tax authority, and i guess insurance might be included:
Norway Competent authority  TOLL CustomsSchweigaards gate 15 0191 Oslo Price: 250 NOK (+/- € 30)/day Qualifying period: 1 dayValidity: 3 weeks:

The tax-authority tells on ther web-page, that it is issued by the Police:
Sitat fra: link=
Different types of vehicle number plates

    Norwegian trade plates: These can be used in some countries. Contact the Norwegian Public Roads Administration for information. Read more about this on the Norwegian Public Roads Administration's website.
    Norwegian number plates: If the car is going to be exported with Norwegian number plates, you need to contact the Norwegian Public Roads Administration for information about later deregistration. Read more about this on the Norwegian Public Roads Administration's website.
    Export number plates (special registration) : These number plates are mainly issued only to new cars. The police are responsible for issuing export number plates, so you need to contact them for more information.
On the web-page of the police, i find no nada nothing:

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