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CanZE for ZE50

Startet av minibiti, mandag 25. mai 2020, klokken 14:14

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The main developer of CanZE does not have a ZE50 and is not very active with adding support for the ZE50 at the moment. And he is not going to put much effort into this for a foreseeable future.
Things might change quickly if someone buys him a ZE50 though :P

So if anyone feels like contributing to the project, feel free to clone the github repo ( and send him pull requests.

2020 Zoe Intens R135 (Jan 2020 - present)
2018 Zoe Intens R110 (Nov 2018 - Jan 2020)
2016 Zoe Intens R240 (Aug 2016 - Nov 2018)


CanZE is moving again for the ZE50.
On the latest beta, it is possible to see the SoH :)
You could already see battery cells temperatures and voltages, and also charging power when charging.
2020 Zoe Intens R135 (Jan 2020 - present)
2018 Zoe Intens R110 (Nov 2018 - Jan 2020)
2016 Zoe Intens R240 (Aug 2016 - Nov 2018)


Jeg er veldig ivrig på å få data ut av min ZE50.
Er det noen her som har klart dette?
Enten med en KONWEI-adapter eller hjemmelaget med ESP32?

Skal sies at jeg har prøvd begge deler uten hell.


I am using this ELM327 and it is working fine:
I reach it from my Android phone with bluetooth.
Maybe you did not configure CanZE correctly?
The KONWEI should work at least.
2020 Zoe Intens R135 (Jan 2020 - present)
2018 Zoe Intens R110 (Nov 2018 - Jan 2020)
2016 Zoe Intens R240 (Aug 2016 - Nov 2018)


Kjøpte en slik i dag etter å ha sett oppdateringer i denne tråden, og den fungerer fint :)

Det som ikke var så bra, var å se en SoH på 86% og total kapasitet på 43,4kWh :-[ (ZE50 levert i januar).
Men det bekreftet egentlig mistankene jeg har hatt om redusert batterikapasitet, så da blir det en tur til Renault/Autoria på mandag...


I had the same problem as you @iDriver. Mine is also from January.
A BMS update fixed the problem :)
They should do it as part of the 1st year service, but you can remind them just in case.
2020 Zoe Intens R135 (Jan 2020 - present)
2018 Zoe Intens R110 (Nov 2018 - Jan 2020)
2016 Zoe Intens R240 (Aug 2016 - Nov 2018)


The latest official (i.e not beta) CanZE version has added a lot of support for the ZE50!
Give it a try :)
2020 Zoe Intens R135 (Jan 2020 - present)
2018 Zoe Intens R110 (Nov 2018 - Jan 2020)
2016 Zoe Intens R240 (Aug 2016 - Nov 2018)

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