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Oppdatering av Elbilforum

Startet av phaugneland, torsdag 12. mars 2020, klokken 15:05

« forrige - neste »

Elbilforum admin

The following significant events have been noted:

2022-05-03 - 01:00 - Maintenance begins
2022-05-03 - 06:00 - Maintenance ends

Total Service window time: About 5 hours.

Elbilforum admin

The following significant events have been noted:

2022-05-24 - 01:00 - Maintenance begins
2022-05-24 - 06:00 - Maintenance ends

Total Service window time: About 5 hours.

Elbilforum admin

The following significant events have been noted:

2023-03-07 - 01:00 - Maintenance begins
2023-03-07 - 06:00 - Maintenance ends

Total Service window time: About 5 hours

Elbilforum admin

The following significant events have been noted:

2023-03-22 - 07:30 - Maintenance begins
2023-03-22 - 14:00 - Maintenance ends

Total Service window time: About 6 hours

Elbilforum admin

The following significant events have been noted:

2023-05-02 - 01:00 - maintenance begins
2023-05-02 - 06:00 - maintenance ends

Total Service window time: About 5 hours.

In this maintenance window, we will perform a necessary reboot a central server. This may cause some routers to perform a failover.
 This is usually very minor, and not noticeable for most. In some rare cases, it can cause disturbances that exceed this, and is the reason we choose to give you a heads up.
No configuration changes or software changes are performed as a result of this maintenance.

Elbilforum admin

The following significant events have been noted:

2023-05-16 - 01:00 - Start of maintenance
2023-05-16 - 06:00 - Maintenance finished

Total Service window time: About 5 hours.

Elbilforum admin

The following significant events have been noted:

2024-04-09 - 01:00 - Maintenance begins
2024-04-09 - 06:00 - Maintenance ends

Total Service window time: About 5 hours.

Elbilforum admin

The following significant events have been noted:

2024-04-30 - 01:00 (Service window begins)
2024-04-30 - 06:00 (Service window ends)

Total Service window time: About 5 hours.

Elbilforum admin

The following significant events have been noted:

2024-05-07 - 01:00 (Service window begins)
2024-05-07 - 06:00 (Service window ends)

Total Service window time: About 5 hours.

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