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2019 Ioniq - Rear interior light dead

Startet av Sil, onsdag 26. februar 2020, klokken 20:22

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The rear interior light (in the ceiling) is dead in my 2019 Ioniq almost exactly 1 year after taking delivery. /sadface (and 1 week after it went through service!)

Are there videos on how to deal with this myself out there? Hoping i don't need to remove the entire headliner or similar...

I also wonder if there is a rating on what wattage/lumens to replace it with etc, in case the bulb isn't marked?

Thanks if you've any info about it!
2019 Hyundai Ioniq EV (Teknikkpakke, skinnseter, Platinum Silver Metallic)


See the user manual page 7-69 and 7-70. And page 8-3 for watt and bulb type.

If replacing with LED, get same socket type and Voltage acceptance. If Bulb is using 12V and you replace with a 5V bulb you break the new 5V LED, or not working at all. But most sockets have specs for Voltage it will normally run with.

The usermanual may be downloaded from the net, or you have it in the glove compartment in your car probably.
I know that there is a link to download in this forum in a thread, but if the download still work I dunno.
Hyundai Ioniq EV (utlevert juni 2018)

Bosted - Flateby, Enebakk kommune.


Thanks! I didn't even think to check the manual. (What that says about me... I don't know).
2019 Hyundai Ioniq EV (Teknikkpakke, skinnseter, Platinum Silver Metallic)


hehe, probably that you are not the RTFM kinda guy. :P (RTFM = Read The Fucking Manual). :D
Hyundai Ioniq EV (utlevert juni 2018)

Bosted - Flateby, Enebakk kommune.


So, it was a Festoon type bulb, with 8W power draw. :)
I will now find a replacement - and opening the lamp housing is easy - flat head screw driver in the two little cut-out parts.

Thanks a ton!
2019 Hyundai Ioniq EV (Teknikkpakke, skinnseter, Platinum Silver Metallic)


Hyundai Ioniq EV (utlevert juni 2018)

Bosted - Flateby, Enebakk kommune.

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