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NEW THINK CITY ZEBRA from collector

Startet av Vladimír Čech, søndag 07. april 2019, klokken 12:38

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Vladimír Čech

Hello, I am from the Czech Republic and I have a new car THINK CITY from CeBIT 2008 in Hannover. The car has never been put on the road or charged since then. Now I just have the main 12V battery replaced and the original charger. The charge lamp flashes but does not switch to charging mode. Do you think the main ZEBRA battery will still be alive? Thank you for your opinion. Vladimír

Vladimír Čech

Sitat fra: Vladimír Čech på søndag 07. april 2019, klokken 12:38
Hello, I am from the Czech Republic and I have a new car THINK CITY from CeBIT 2008 in Hannover. The car has never been put on the road or charged since then. Now I just have the main 12V battery replaced and the original charger. The charge lamp flashes but does not switch to charging mode. Do you think the main ZEBRA battery will still be alive? Thank you for your opinion. Vladimír

Odesláno z mého SM-G960F pomocí Tapatalk


Flashing means its heating up the battery, give it a day or so, then another 10 hours for charging (steady light on the charge light), and you will know ;)


Please tell us how it went!

Did you manage to charge the battery?

Is the car still alive after being stored for over 10 years?

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