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25% MOMS for e-golf

Startet av egolf2019x, torsdag 07. mars 2019, klokken 12:15

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Dear all

In the e-golf website the price of the car is indicated as including MVA.
Veiledende pris inkl. mva levert Oslo, inkludert vrakpant

I got an invoice that shows 25% MVA for the car bought in December 2018. I mean that the value of MVA that is calculated is for nearly 100% of the prices.

I find that strange. Do your invoice also include 25% MVA for all parcels?


I guess there are a star* behind all the prices in your invoice. If you then look at the bottom of the invoice, you will find that the prices with a star behind, is without taxes :)
Audi 100 Avant 2,3 E Quattro 1991 mod
Audi A6 Avant 2,4 Quattro 1999 mod
Audi A6 allroad 2,7 tdi 2011 mod
e-Golf 2018
Audi e-tron 50 Advanced Business++
Har nå:
Tesla model Y


I got a corrected invoice today, with all values tax free.

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