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Tidl. Audi Quattro-fører kjører vinter-rally med Model 3 Performance

Startet av Strøm Tycoon, torsdag 31. januar 2019, klokken 12:45

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Strøm Tycoon


I've been competing in Navigational road rallying for over 30 years and it's been one of my absolute most favorite pastimes. When I say Navigational rallies, often called TSD (Time, Speed, Distance) rallies in the United States, people often confuse this with Performance rallying as seen in the WRC series. Not the same thing! Navigational rallying is done on public roads and therefore competitors need to obey all of the applicable traffic laws. It isn't so much a race as it is a precision driving event. The three golden rules are: stay on the road, stay on the correct route and stay precisely on schedule.


One of the things I was most excited about when Tesla Model 3 was announced was not only was this the first EV that fit the profile of exactly what I want in a car — a high-performance AWD sport sedan at a semi-affordable price point — but it was also the first EV that I thought might have what it takes to go toe-to-toe with the potent Subaru WRXs, Mitsubishi EVOs and Audi Quattros that are the traditional weapons of choice in this sport.

I was, of course, dying to find out if I was right. I had been a loyal Audi driver for the last 20 years, having had a 90 Quattro 20V, an A3 3.2 Quattro and both B5 and B7 generations of the A4 Quattros. Between the four of them they racked up more than a dozen podium finishes, mostly outright wins, so there's no question my expectations for the Model 3 were set pretty high.


So how is it? In a word, SPECTACULAR — especially once you put it in Track Mode. I've never had such laser-pinpoint precise control of a car's attitude and trajectory just by modulating the accelerator.

After just a few minutes of acclimating to the one-foot style, it becomes so natural and confidence inspiring to be able to transition the car's weight back and forth with just a press or lift of your right toes. And even though Track Mode lets you drift the car in big lurid power slides it never completely stops monitoring things, if it detects the car is going to go too far it will gently intervene to clean up your line. The deftness with which it does that is amazing; it's so subtle you really need to pay attention sometimes to notice when it's stepping in.

(Se video i artikkelen)

Right from the start, I could see there'd be no issue maintaining or surpassing the speeds I could achieve in my Quattros. And doing it all in silence adds yet another dimension which has an unexpected benefit, without the roaring drivetrain your ears pick up on all kinds of subtle little clues as to what's happening between the road and the tires and these valuable little audio inputs can often alert you to a change in surface or grip before the physical inputs from the chassis and steering do.


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