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Questions regarding charging-new Think owner

Startet av Catalin A, torsdag 22. november 2018, klokken 09:19

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Nikolay aka BauDemo on the forum. The device is an old personalplaner, Palm 505/515 i think it was. Its the interfacecable you need to build I think. Nikolay probably dont make them anymor. A lot of Thinks been scrapt lately, so maybe somebody have one for sale?
Think classic 2002,Think classic 2001(tidligere Gråtass)
Nissan Leaf 2016 30kWh

Catalin A

Yeyeye is right, the device that i use is an old Palm M505 and the interface cable it the one that you need to build.
I bought mine form:
The other thing that you need to find or to modify is the serial cable between the Palm and the interface cable.
I just modify an USB cradle to be able to communicate on serial. If you need help send me a PM with your email address.



I will be happy to publish any schematics or photos you made during the assembly of the cable.
nikometer? -


Think classic 2002,Think classic 2001(tidligere Gråtass)
Nissan Leaf 2016 30kWh

Catalin A

I don't really have any pictures for the moment and the main  connector is still under developing process but I will make some this evening and of course I'll be happy to upload them.
In the meantime  please find attached the modification of the Palm Universal Cradle from USB to Serial.
To be able to connect with the car you need to have all the wires connected (communication and handshake-6 wires in total).


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