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Charging in apartment

Startet av Tee, tirsdag 10. april 2018, klokken 08:25

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I live in an apartment where the association decided to have electric charging for all the garage in the basement.
The association is paying for the work but it is up to each individual to cover the cost to their seperate parking place.

The company doing the general work is charging 20,000 Nok for the individual work and i have gotten a quote for 14,500.

The electrician is claiming he has a deal with the association board so he is the only one that can do this work for the individual residents.

My question is: Can the association board make a deal with an electrician for connecting my parking spot to the central infrastructure.

Am i supposed to pay 20,000 because the association board has a deal with the electrician or can i go ahead with getting the cheaper company to do the work for me.


There are two different associations for apartments in Norway, "borettslag" and "sameie". The legal situation is slightly different, e.g. in a "borettslag" you never own the parking space, but rather have a right to use it. In a "sameie", you could potentially own it yourself, but not always.

If the parking space is owned by the association, they also have the right to control any electrical work conducted there. The board might thus have given an exclusive right to an electrician. The board is although just a set of representatives that are to carry out whatever the majority vote is at the annual meeting. Thus, if you think the board is acting unreasonably, you need a majority vote for changing this practice, ultimately also replacing the board.

If you legally own the parking space, you are free to get install work done yourself. But you then must do this without connecting to the shared infrastructure (owned by the association). The cost of running a separate supply cable from the nearest transformer station (typically hundreds of meters, if not kilometers), plus separate metering and fees versus the electricity provider, makes this inhibitive in most cases.
2016 BMW i3 94Ah
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Sitat fra: Orbit på tirsdag 10. april 2018, klokken 10:01
There are two different associations for apartments in Norway, "borettslag" and "sameie". The legal situation is slightly different, e.g. in a "borettslag" you never own the parking space, but rather have a right to use it. In a "sameie", you could potentially own it yourself, but not always.
Normalt er det vel likt for begge organisasjonsformene - at sameigarar eller andelseigarar eig ting saman, og har tildelte bruksrettar. I burettslag er det vel normalt litt enklare å finansiera fellesløysningar.


Har sett sameier hvor parkeringsplassene er eid direkte av seksjonseier, i noen tilfeller som egne seksjoner uavhengig av leilighet (og med mulighet av salg av parkeringsplass uavhengig av leiligheten); og andre ganger hvor de er en del av fellesareal med særskilt bruksrett.
2016 BMW i3 94Ah
2019 Audi e-tron 55


Sitat fra: Orbit på tirsdag 10. april 2018, klokken 10:01

If you legally own the parking space, you are free to get install work done yourself. But you then must do this without connecting to the shared infrastructure (owned by the association). The cost of running a separate supply cable from the nearest transformer station (typically hundreds of meters, if not kilometers), plus separate metering and fees versus the electricity provider, makes this inhibitive in most cases.

Selv om man eier p-plassen, så er sannsynligheten stor for at man må legge kabelen over sameiets grunn. De vil neppe tillate dette, når de tilbyr fellesløsninger.
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