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New iOS App for Tesla

Startet av MaaDoTaa, torsdag 16. februar 2017, klokken 04:17

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I'm a new Tesla owner and I've just published my new app QuickTesla Screenshots and video and link to the App Store here:

In addition to the usual controls and stats, it includes the following unique features:

  • Records statistics related to your charging sessions and your driving efficiency. You can also export these stats as a spreadsheet.
  • Sends you a notification if you forget to close all doors (and trunk) and walk away from the car (which prevents the car from locking itself).
  • Sends you a notification if the battery level is low and the car is parked at home and is unplugged
  • Integrated several Tesla forums and the ability to search the Official Tesla Forum (Tesla forum does not provide search capability on its own)

The app can be downloaded from the App Store ( You can also sign up for beta testing unreleased version of it (click on the first link above)

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