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VCDS Tweaks e-Golf

Startet av poskare, fredag 10. april 2015, klokken 12:50

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Her er oversikt over alle "tweaks" med VCDSkabel fra Ross-Tech, som fungerer.
Dette gjøres på eget ansvar, og KAN SKADE BILEN, om du ikke helt vet hva du driver med (sånn som undertegnede! :D)

Følgende tweaks er nå utført:
Automatisk låsing av bilen når du går fra den.

Takk til jonste or å legge denne ut på forumet her:

sakset fra:

**The tweak allows cars equipped with KESSY to automatically lock when the doors or trunk are closed while the key is outside the vehicle -- if the key is inside the vehicle, nothing happens. If you keep the key on your person, you will never have to manually lock or unlock the car again: pulling the door handles will unlock the car, and closing the door or trunk will lock it.

To enable this behavior, do the following:

1. Open the "05-Access/Start Authorization" controller:

2. Selecting "Coding - 07"

3. Select "Long Coding Helper"

4. Select Byte 2 (the first Byte is Byte 0), and check Bit 4 ("Locking for door slamming active")

5. Exit the Long Coding Helper

6. Click the "Do It!" button

One word of caution: KESSY is based on RFID signals, and not infallible. There are circumstances under which it may incorrectly think that the key is outside the vehicle when it isn't. What this means is that if you leave the key inside the vehicle and close the door, it could potentially lock the vehicle, and not unlock when you pull on the door handle. If have tested this many times (with the key on the driver's seat and the window rolled down), and KESSY always behaved correctly. If you keep the key on your person there is no situation where you could be locked out of your car, the worst that could happen is that KESSY thinks the key is still inside the vehicle, and not lock it -- that has happened to me, but it is rare.**


Fra VWVortex Forum.  (Takk til EL-John som testet og bekreftet at denne fungerte)

Disable the annoying tone when the ignition and driver's door open.
17 Instruments
Ignition active message; Trigger
Change to "No display" (default value: driver's door)
German translation for this is.....
German translation.....
STG 17 (Schalttafeleinsatz) auswählen
STG Anpassung -> Funktion 10
Zündung aktiv Meldung; Auslöser
ändern auf "Keine Anzeige"


1.    Auto Rain Close -mk7 VCDS tweak - (Takk til EL-John som testet og bekreftet at denne fungerte)
It's fair to say that the Auto RainClose tweak has had a dubious infancy when applied to MQB platform vehicles like the mk7 Golf. My understanding from conversations on various forums is that problems were first encountered with this tweak because of the new sensor that was installed in these cars.

In previous models, VW used a "RLS" (i.e. Rain Light Sensor) to control Auto RainClose. However, in many of the mk7 models, the sensor that was introduced was the "RLFS" (Rain Light Humidity Sensor, or in German, Regen, Licht, Feuchte Sensor). Some VCDS auto-scan listings now report this new sensor as its Anglicized name, "RLHS" and of late, the RLS seems to have re-appeared in some mk7 scan reports (particularly in NAR cars).

As a result of early problems with the Auto RainClose tweak, the folk at Ross Tech (i.e. the inestimable Dana) modified the VCDS software so that it would communicate correctly with these new sensor units. The first SW version in which these changes appeared was Beta ver. 14.6.1. At the time of writing, Ross Tech has advised that their Beta software (i.e. currently Beta 14.8.1) is still the only version with the necessary smarts to talk to the sensors on mk7 vehicles. Doubtless, in the fullness of time (to quote Sir Humphrey Appleby), RT's non-beta software will be modified to accommodate these new sensors.

Edit - Nov 2014: Ross-Tech's full version software (SW version commencing with the number "14", or greater) is now able to fully communicate with the rain sensors in mk7 vehicles.

The material in these instructions have been sourced from numerous forums and a skeletal version of these procedures can be found on the site.

Particular acknowledgement is given to the findings of the folk on the VCDS thread on VWvortex. In addition, recognition must also be given to those talented and amazing VCDS gurus on the Ross Tech forum for unravelling the early problems with the RLFS. Thanks to you all for your valuable contributions.

A word of caution for those that wish to proceed. This is one of the more complex tweaks and as a result, particular care and precision in following these instructions is required. Feedback from others indicates that a few have not been able to make this tweak work albeit I have received lots of reports of its successful implementation. If you fall into the latter category-congratulations. For those in the former category, please revert all settings to their original values (and re-check the entries for "opening and closing" in the Discover media screen which may have altered because of the factory reset process-see part 3 of these instructions). And, if you have implemented this tweak and you want to revert back to the car's original settings, make sure that you use RT's Beta software for the roll-back process.

If others can add to the information in these tweak instructions, please do so. If you want to PM, I'll undertake to modify this post with any updates - or you can add your own separate post to this thread.
For ease of understanding, these instructions have been broken-up into three discrete parts as follows (it is recommended that the instructions should be followed in the sequence listed):
This Post
Part 1: Auto RainClose - Coding Changes
Post #230
Part 2: Auto RainClose - Adaptation Channel Changes
Part 3: Auto RainClose - In-Car, setup procedures
All parts must be completed

Ross-Tech software version commencing with a number "14", or greater must be used for this tweak

Part 1: Auto RainClose - Coding Changes
1. From the Installed tab on the Select Control Module screen, select 09-Cent. Elect.
2. On the Open Controller screen for address 09 - Cent. Elect., click the Coding - 07 tab
3. When the screen below opens, click on the pull-down down tab in the middle of the screen (as shown next to the red arrow). As indicated in the picture, the BCM (Body Control Module) has two "slave" modules, one of which is the RLFS
4, Select RLFS and click on the Long Coding Helper tab.
Note 1: on some mk7 vehicles, the slave module will be RLS, or RLHS

5. Select Byte 0 and place a tick in Bit 1 and Bit 2 as shown in the picture below. Exit this screen
6. When the screen below appears, ensure that the New coding box contains the Hexadecimal value 06A8DD Click the Do it! tab. Go back to the open controller screen
Note 2: some forums report "error 31" message at this point. If this error message appears, manually enter 06A8DD into the New coding box instead of using the Long Coding Helper. Then click the Do it! tab
Note 3: On some mk7 vehicles, the default coding string for the rain sensor is 01E8DD. If this is the case, the required hexadecimal value in the new coding box is 07E8DD.

Go to Part 2(next post)
Last edited by DV52; 24-03-2015 at 04:45 PM.
Golf MkVII 103TSI (Highline) my13
Polo 6R 77TSI (Comfortline with Comfort Pack) my14
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2.     14-09-2014, 03:35 PM#230

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DV52 is offlineVolkswagen Enthusiast

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Sep 2013
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Auto Rain Close - mk7 VCDS tweak (parts 2 & 3)
Part 2: Auto RainClose - Adaptation Channel Changes
7. Once the Open Controller screen appears for address 09, click Security Access -16 tab
8. When the Security Access window opens, enter the magic number for the Body Control Module as per the dialogue balloon (i.e. 31347). Click the Do it! tab
9. When the Open Controller screen re-appears, click Adaptation - 10

10 . From the pull-down channel menu, select (15)-Access control 2-Regenschliessen_ein_aus. and select active in New value box. Click Do it! tab

11. Select (16)-Access control 2-Regenschliessen_art and select Permanent in New value box. Click Do it! tab

12. Select (28 )-Access control 2-Menuesteuerung Regenschliessen and select active in New value box. Click Do it! tab.

Note 4: this adaptation channel change adds "Automatic closing in rain" as an option-panel in the Discover Media menu screen (see Part 3)
13. Exit the VCDS software and remove VCDS cable from the OBDII port

Go to Part 3

Part 3: Auto RainClose - In-Car, setup procedures
Auto RainClose - Factory reset procedure
This tweak requires that the control unit be reset after the coding changes above have been made. This is done using the following steps:
1.    Press the CAR button on the RH side of the Discover media Unit
2.    Press the set-up panel on the bottom RH side of the screen
3.    Select Factory Setting panel (it's the very last entry on the list)
4.    On the Factory Setting screen, select Opening and Closing
5.    Press the Reset panel

Auto RainClose -Menu enabling procedure
For Auto RainClose to work, the function must first be enabled in the Discover media screen. This is done using the following steps:
6.    Press the CAR button on the RH side of the Discover media Unit
7.    Press the set-up panel on the bottom RH side of the screen
8.    Press the Opening and Closing panel
9.    Place a tick in the Automatic closing in rain panel as shown in the picture below.
10. Make sure that the settings for all other options in Opening and closing are appropriate and that they have not been changed by the factory reset process above (e.g. check thatConvenience opening option isn't set to "off")
11. Exit the screen
source - 3askoul/

Auto RainClose - Test and operating procedure
12. Make sure that the wiper stalk is in the rain sensing position (i.e. up one position) and that the headlights are switched to the Auto position
13. Wind down one, or more windows, and/or sunroof
14. exit and lock the vehicle using the remote fob or KESSY
15. Wait a minute, or two and pour water on the rain sensor, or tap the rain sensor with your fingers.
16. The open window(s)/sunroof should close

Note 5: a further feature of this tweak is that if the window(s)/sunroof is left open for an extended time (generally overnight) without rain, or intervention, the open aperture(s) will be automatically shut.


Liten kvitteringslyd når man låser/åpner bilen:
Alarm beep on lock / unlock (from VW GTI mk7 forum)
Go into [09] Central Electronics
Go into Secuity Access and enter 31347
Adaptation channels, and you are looking for:
(1)-Acknowledgement Signals -Akustische Rueckmeldung entriegen (un-lock acoustic feedback)
(2)-Acknowledgement Signals -Akustische Rueckmeldung verriegeln (lock acoustic feedback)
Set one or both to on if you wish.
Then set the following to "on"

(7)-Acknowledgement Signals -Menuesteuerung akustische Rueckmeldung (Acoustic lock menu)
This enables a menu setting in the "car" settings, "Locking" menu of the infotainment screen to set alarm chirp on or off when locking /unlocking the car and have the option to switch it on or off from the head unit.


THIS MIGHT BE INTERESTING FOR US/UK and other peoples not reading Norwegian:
e-Golf Parklight toghether with DRL on daytime: (Found this solution myself. If you spread it, please credit our forum, and maby me also? :)   )

Parklys sammen med DRL på dagtid: (Denne har jeg funnet ut av selv - løsningen ligger pdd kun på elbilforum! :) )
Go to [09] Central Electronics
Go to Security Access and enter 31347
Go to adaptation channels and set the following:

"Leuchte2SL VLB10-Lichtfunktion G 2" to DRL
"Leuchte2SL VLB10-Dimmwert GH 2" to 50

"Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion G 3" to DRL
"Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimmwert GH 3" to 50

Testet endring av "Dimmwert", mellom 1-100, men gir dessverre ingen endring av styrke. Om noen finner ut av det - gi beskjed og jeg legger det inn.

1) DRL med parklys foran og bak(Skrur du på parklys nå vil DRL lyse sammen med disse):
(9) Central Electronics
(4)-Daytime running lights-Standlicht aktiviert zusaetzlich Tagfahrlicht - Sett til Active

DRL av/på i menyen
(9) Central Electronics
(2)-Daytime running lights-Tagfahrlicht Aktivierung durch BAP oder Bedienfolge moeglich - Sett til Active

Blinklys bak faseforskjøvet
Se video :
Link til der det er funnet:

And the codes only works, if you bought your car with led taillight installed at the factory

Select -> 9 Central Electronik -> Security Access -> 31347
Adaptation -> Channel: (4) Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9-Lichtfunktion A16: Set = Blinken lins Dunkelphase. (Default:Blinken Links Hellphase)
Adaptation -> Channel: (4) Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3-Lichtfunktion A17: Set = Blinken rechts Dunkelphase. (Default: Blinken rechts Hellphase


Automatisk "Coming Home" lys når du åpner døren.
Da slipper du å bruke lyshornet etter du har skrudd av tenningen.

Go to [09] Central Electronics
Go to Security Access and enter 31347
Go to Adaptation
Look for the German text "Comfort illumination-Coming Home Verbaustatus"
Set the new value drop down to "automatic"
Click 'Do It!'


DRL off with Handbrake - Når DRL er på, og du skrur på brekket, skrur DRL lysene seg av, brekket av, og DRL er på igjen!

1.Select 09 - Cent Elect. module control
2.Select Security Access-16
3.Enter the magic access code (31347). Click Do it! tab
4.Select Adaptation - 10.
5.From the pull-down channel, select (5)-Daytime running lights- Tagfshrlicht-Tagfahrlicht Dauerfahrlicht bei Handbremse abschalten (it's about 10% down the channel list)
6.In the New Value box, select active
7.Click Do it! tab. Click Add to log to save a copy of the change and click Go Back tab


Full brakelight Daytime:  Alle bremselys fungerer ved DRL/Auto dagtid, ikke bare de ytre:

( - An independent forum for Volkswagen Golf GTI enthusiasts.)

"STG09 (Central Electronics)> Access Authorisation: 31347 > Adaptation Channels> Channel (8 )-Leuchte27 NSL RC6-Lichtfunktion C27" > "Brake light on" set (default: nicht aktiv)

STG09 (Central Electronics)> Access Authorisation: 31347 > Adaptation Channels > Channel (10)-Leuchte27 NSL RC6-Dimming CD27" > on 100 Set(default: 0)"

Takk til -Aleks!
Hastighet vises på klimaet når den står i auto.

08-Auto HVAC
Byte 11
bit 6

Tweaks vi ønsker løsning på:

KODING AV FJERNLYSASSISTENT - Endre hastighet, evt følsomhet.

Modifikasjoner som muligens krever bytte/ekstra moduler:

Online trafikkinformasjon, online søk, og Google Street View
Lyd og styring av mobil via USB


Takk til Audigaudi for spørsmål og takk til Tbg for løsningen:
Hvis noen finner en måte å skru av funksjonen som låser DVD-skjermen ved kjøring hadde jeg vært takknemlig.

De som ønsker å få utført noen av disse kodingene, men ikke vil kjøpe utstyr kan kontakte disse personene.
Avtal på forhånd via forummailen, og vær obs på at du må betale litt for tjenesten. Kabelen er grisedyr! :)

Porsgrunn - Telemark

Har jeg glemt noe, eller nye forslag, bare kom med de.... :)


Du kommer til å få kongens fortjenestemedalje for denne tråden, poskare. Jeg gleder meg til alt moro du kan finne ut.

Mht aut lukking i regn så er det et valg jeg hadde uten å fikle. Nettopp dette undrer meg, for jeg har lenge hatt inntrykk av, fra tidligere VAG biler, at det er veldig hipp som happ hvilke valg som ligger tilgjengelige for brukeren.
e-Golf | X75D


Genialt! Ser fram til mye nyttig info her. Forhåpentligvis kan jeg bidra med noe etterhvert. Har kabel, mangler bil...
2015 e-Golf Night Blue


Kult! :) Skjønner ikke hvorfor slike ting ligger i std menyen, gjerne under Advanced.

VW e-Golf (2016-)  Tesla Model X 100D (2018-)  VW e-Golf (2019-)
Tesla Model 3 (Avbestilt)  Tesla Model Y (Avbestilt)  Model X LR (Bestilt - levering i 2023 :()


Har du forsøkt dette? (google translate fra gammaltysk):

Aktiver Internett-tjenester Oppdag Pro
Forutsetning er den mobile grensesnitt Premium!
For å aktivere disse tjenestene et SIM-kort eller en mobiltelefon bli kombinert med RSAP. I tillegg, i bilen innstillingene for nettverkstilgang til "alltid tillate" posisjon.

-> STG 5F
-> Adjustment
-> PayTMC service
Tast 32771 (standard 3)
-> Online Poi
-> Online street
-> Navi online


Går det an å tweake rygging med åpen førerdør, eller at klimaanlegget husker siste innstilling over tid? :-)


Denne posten var interresant må jeg si :D
E-Golf uten VP
Toyota Celica 2001


Følgende tweaks er nå utført:
Liten kvitteringslyd når man låser/åpner bilen:
Alarm beep on lock / unlock (from VW GTI mk7 forum)
Go into [09] Central Electronics
Go into Secuity Access and enter 31347
Adaptation channels, and you are looking for:
(1)-Acknowledgement Signals -Akustische Rueckmeldung entriegen (un-lock acoustic feedback)
(2)-Acknowledgement Signals -Akustische Rueckmeldung verriegeln (lock acoustic feedback)
Set one or both to on if you wish.
Then set the following to "on"

(7)-Acknowledgement Signals -Menuesteuerung akustische Rueckmeldung (Acoustic lock menu)
This enables a menu setting in the "car" settings, "Locking" menu of the infotainment screen to set alarm chirp on or off when locking /unlocking the car and have the option to switch it on or off from the head unit.
Parklys sammen med DRL på dagtid: (Denne har jeg funnet ut av selv)
Go to [09] Central Electronics
Go to Security Access and enter 31347
Go to adaptation channels and set the following:

"Leuchte2SL VLB10-Lichtfunktion G 2" to DRL
"Leuchte2SL VLB10-Dimmwert GH 2" to 50

"Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion G 3" to DRL
"Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimmwert GH 3" to 50
Blinklys bak faseforskjøvet
Se video :
Link til der det er funnet:

And the codes only works, if you bought your car with led taillight installed at the factory

Select -> 9 Central Electronik -> Security Access -> 31347
Adaptation -> Channel: (4) Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9-Lichtfunktion A16: Set = Blinken lins Dunkelphase. (Default:Blinken Links Hellphase)
Adaptation -> Channel: (4) Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3-Lichtfunktion A17: Set = Blinken rechts Dunkelphase. (Default: Blinken rechts Hellphase

Har et par koder til som jeg har testet og fungerer, men rekker ikke å skrive inn mer nå, kommer med mer senere.


Kult! Skal selv koble bilen til VCDS når sommerdekkene skal på, er jo genialt på hvor mye morsomt man kan få til :D


Automatisk "Coming Home" lys når du åpner døren.
Da slipper du å bruke lyshornet etter du har skrudd av tenningen.

Go to [09] Central Electronics
Go to Security Access and enter 31347
Go to Adaptation
Look for the German text "Comfort illumination-Coming Home Verbaustatus"
Set the new value drop down to "automatic"
Click 'Do It!'


Sitat fra: e-Kvaase på fredag 10. april 2015, klokken 14:25
Går det an å tweake rygging med åpen førerdør, eller at klimaanlegget husker siste innstilling over tid? :-)

2015 VW e-Golf m/VP. Pendlerbilen.
2003 Mercedes-Benz C200T CDI. Konebilen og langturbilen.
2010 Fiat Ducato Trigano 2,3 turbodiesel. Bobilen/Feriebilen.


Sitat fra: hottentott33 på fredag 10. april 2015, klokken 17:32
Sitat fra: e-Kvaase på fredag 10. april 2015, klokken 14:25
Går det an å tweake rygging med åpen førerdør, eller at klimaanlegget husker siste innstilling over tid? :-)

Legger til:
-Låse opp dører selv om bilen er i gang (Kjekt når en skal hurtiglade i 30minus og slipper å måtte skru av bilen for å låse opp laderen)


Sitat fra: mihkku på fredag 10. april 2015, klokken 17:58
-Låse opp dører selv om bilen er i gang (Kjekt når en skal hurtiglade i 30minus og slipper å måtte skru av bilen for å låse opp laderen)
På min kan jeg låse ladestikket op ved at trykke på knappen i førerdøren, også når bilen er tændt


Genial tråd :-)

Jeg har også VCDS liggende. Gleder meg til å kode om et par ting :-)
Mvh. SAP - Helelektrisk fra juni 2017
2021 VW ID4 1St Max
2021 VW ID.3
2020 Etron SB (Solgt)
2015 eGolf VP Still going strong :)
2017 eGolf FL 300 (solgt)

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