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ZEBRA Internal ISO fault

Startet av Bart Sturm, torsdag 04. januar 2018, klokken 16:55

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Bart Sturm

Dear members,

I write this post in English because I am from The Netherlands. Because Th!nk is Original from Norway and therefore most knowledge is probably found on this forum I hope you can help me.

I have a Th!nk from 2010 with ZEBRA battery. The first problem I encountered was a defect PCU in 2015. This was changed with an occasion one. In june 2017 with temperatures of 30 degrees while charging the fan was blowing a lot (as usual on hot days). One day, after uncopling the cable from the Th!nk, starting the Th!nk, the battery gauge went from 100% to 0% and then very slowly back to 100%. The high voltage sign was blinking red and Power limit sign was on. When I charged the Th!nk there was a normal car link, the battery was not charging and the High voltage sign stayed red.

In the meantime the battery has became cold (of course). After analyzing the battery it seems the problem is an internal isolation fault (Matrix did not copy proparly):

Disc.Relay open due to Tbatt.low (<210°C Typ)
Internal ISO
SOC too high: Warning Check SOC consistency!  (Typ. 103,8)
Charging temp waiting OK

It also seems this specific error has occured 7 years before (when the car was new???):

First internal Iso Error

If the error has occured before, at that time it was apparently possible to fix it?

Afterwhile it was tried to warm the battery, but this action failed.

Does anyone have an insight in the problem and the solution? You are my last hope...

Thanks in advance.


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