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Would the Amina 1 work for me?

Startet av Rozojc, lørdag 13. januar 2024, klokken 00:18

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Sitat fra: Erik Ola Ulvestad på lørdag 13. januar 2024, klokken 21:34A 'simple' Amina 1 phase at 16A will do you just fine. We have one 20A circuit with two charging boxes, i.e. 4.5 kW, and it is plenty for 2 EVs.
But if it is important to stay below a "Effekttariff" step, Zaptec may be better (with Tibber for instance). Staying below 5kWh/h could mean close to 2000 kr/year saved.
2016-2019: TMX 90D AP1
2019-2021: TM3 LR AWD HF
2021-2021: TMY LR
2021-        : TM3 LR 82kWh HF


Ok, some updates. We are definitely on a 230 system. Which I understand means anyway we can only do single phase.

The electrician came and checked and said he is not sure if he would be able to put a 32 amp cable through the same pipe that the existing 16amp cable is using. This means that if I want that, it looks like we would have to dig up a new hole which he suggested should not be done now, but in the spring/summer... And it would be much more expensive.

Another thing he mentioned is that our electricity capacity right now is 50 amps, which means that if we were to put in a 32amp charger we would most likely need to request for an increase in the capacity plus also installing an additional hardware to monitor how the charge is distributed to avoid the fuse tripping when too many things run at the same time... And this again would increase the price a lot...

The other option he gave was running the charger at 16 amps on the same cable that is right now, but he says that in order to do so, he would need to install a smaller "fuse box" in the garage separating the charger and the existing lights/outlet that are there... Does this make sense or is he just trying to create more work for him?


Haven't noticed any changes in the rules/regulations that he needs to install a fuse box/splitter in the garage, but then again, I dont have access to the full NEK400 guidance book. So it may have been altered somewhat.

About increasing to 32A, he's probably on target. It's different regulations in different areas, so it's kind a up to the "nettleverandør" or power plant company to decide if they accept 32A. But you would obviously have to increase the totale intake to give way for 32A when your total is a bit to low for that.

I'd stick to 16A and be happy with that for now. The very few times you need faster charging time, it shøuld be OK to use a fast charger to top load or when your juice goes low (and battery is for sure warm enough).
Hyundai Kona Dark knight metallic med soltak - Kø# 2500, bil utlevert mars -19
Bosted Oslo


Sitat fra: Rozojc på torsdag 18. januar 2024, klokken 11:35Does this make sense or is he just trying to create more work for him?
It make sense, and smart to. We have an CEE-contact as an alternative to that, which was legal installation some few years ago.

The fuse box make it more flexible for other use when you don´t charge.

Erik Ola Ulvestad

If your carport/garage is truly standalone, i.e. it does not share constructional parts that otherwise could be used as a path for new cabling, then a special exception exists in the regulations, (as stated by RJK in post #1) allowing installation of an wallbox on the existing circuit, if accepted by you as the installation owner and user. That is, if overloaded, when you plug in the vacuumer, high-pressure washer or whatever while also charging your car, you are the only one that will suffer and you are able to take action and remedy this quickly. Only simple lights, door opener and an immediate outlet is allowed, no freezers or other equipment on this circuit.

Have your electrician check out

But, if he insists on a small cabinet for breaker, etc it should be of no great cost.
Privat: Interesse for ladesystemer.  2017 Leaf 30 kWh
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Thanks again to everyone for all the valuable information!

I will just have the Altima installed, with the additional fusebox for flexibility.

The one last thing I was wondering, and maybe it is a stupid question. What would be the difference between doing this instead of just using the "emergency charger" connected to the outlet in my garage which comes from exactly that same 16amp course? The reason I am asking is simply to know whether I can use the emergency charger for a month or two and wait to do the installation for a bit (since it costs a bit more with the fuse box and such).


Your emergency charger is normally only good for 10A or 12A, so charging will be slower. The "box" on those chargers are a bit heavy for the outlet, so in case your'e using that, find a way to hang it, so the stress of the weight is minimal. If not, you may be weakening that one over time, and that could lead to damages.

Also be aware, in case of fire, you probably will be held responsible if they find that your'e using this as your regular home charging solution. Unless this point is set up specifically for EV charging according to older versions of the NEK400, this is simply not allowed.

You can always argue that it is in fact emergency charging, if your electrician cannot be booked sooner or there is delivery problems. But as soon as you choose to postpone it because of economic situation, this will be ignored. And it is a bonus that the outlet is kind of new.

Beeing a bit careful, like pulling out the emergency charger while at the same time holding back the outlet box and hanging up the box on the emergency charger to reduce the stress, will probably work just fine for a time.

Also checking the cable on several points to check for heated cable is advisable. And if the cable, or the charger gets warmer than your hand likes, try adjusting it to even lower amps. Most chargers of this kind, have 2 or three available steps. Mine is selectable in steps of 8, 10 and 12A.

Just beware that you do this at own risk, and the cost if a fire appears, could be many, many times more costly.

Hyundai Kona Dark knight metallic med soltak - Kø# 2500, bil utlevert mars -19
Bosted Oslo

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