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Meldinger - BauDemo

Thank you all! Glad it is useful!

I did try the placement to the right and have mixed feelings about it. I am attaching a photo.

I am also thinking about constructing a bracket out of aluminum sheet, but I like the idea of the magnetic holder, this way when I park, I could just put it in the door side pocket, and not worry about someone breaking in the car.

Now when I can actually see the current drawn, I try to play a game and guess what the value of the current is. I am still amazed how hard it is for me to guess that. In a gas car one can tell by the vibrations and rpms... but with the Think I have very hard time guessing what is the energy consumed at particular moment.

Think City "Classic" (2000 - 2002 mod) / Norsk
lørdag 25. april 2009, klokken 20:08
today I drove 30km for 27%SOC - a personal record, kept very close eye on the current indicator and never went to red, felt like I was driving miss dasy.

on a side note - the program is now available in Norwegian.
as usual some screenshots.

Sharing a photo of the palm mounted using magnetic phone holder from clasohlson. The holder contained a metal plate that needs to stick to the palm.

It turned out that the magnetic holder was a bad quality, but the mounting possition was ok. So I am still looking for mounting ideas.
Alt det andre / Sv: hjælpe med at oversætte
torsdag 23. april 2009, klokken 22:55
Sitat fra: bølle på torsdag 23. april 2009, klokken 22:11
JEg har været i kontakt med ham der har den side... det endte med han ville have penge

Vores side har aldrig kostet en krone og kommer heller ikke til det... derfor siger vi også nej tak til at der koster noget

Hi Bo,

I want to clarify for everyone reading this, the same way I explained to you in an e-mail. is FREE to be used by ANYONE. It does not require registration, and no one but me personally is paying for it. Please feel free to publish any communication with me where I say that you need to pay to use in any way. I even offered to develop an interface to (free of charge) so you and your partners can automatically update information.

Having said that - I would also like to point out that there is a very firm difference between free to use software and open source software. The fact that is free for anyone to use does not mean that it is open source, and when you would like me to help you develop something to be used on your website I would gladly do it for a fee.

Or maybe some beer.

I appologize for hijacking your thread, but felt that your statement needed to be addressed. I hope that all the above has clarified your understanding. If the admins think that my post is not appropriate- please remove it.

Alt det andre / Sv: hjælpe med at oversætte
torsdag 23. april 2009, klokken 18:43
<start of shameless add>

or maybe you can use - it is already available på norsk

<end of shameless add>

Apart from the web interface, you can also download the "charger finder" application to most of the sonyericsson and windows mobile telephones and use it to find the closest chargers.

If you are missing any function from let me know, and I will do my best.
I took a different route since this thread. The result of my efforts can be found here
Thank you all for the interest!
Sorry Boogie - I do not own PSA car, I will see if I can do something about it. But don't hold your breath.
El rayo - I have found some more palm units, all this interest catch me a bit unprepared, but now hopefully there will be no shortage of devices for some time.
Ken - I will start a new thread about the packtrakr software, once I feel it is ready. Don't want to get your hopes too high.
Thanks Ken,
I haven't seen what Rav4 has done, only read about it in one of the threads. It seems very interesting.

I am attaching couple of more screenshots from todays drive. You can see how the background color for current, pack voltage and power, changes depending on the value. When the pack voltage goes under particular value the background color changes first to yellow and then to red.
Similar thing happens to most of the other relevant parameters. For example, when the car charges the batteries the current and power get a blue background.  See the screenshots.
There are 25 parameters for the BMS and 21 for the Charger that can be displayed and the display is customizable. It is up to the driver to decide what they want to see.

What I like is that all data is saved on a SD card, in a CSV format. I am attaching the CSV file from today, so you can play with it if you like.

I just put it in my computer and did a plot of the current and volt during todays drive - very educational.

The "special" button will contain the water refill functions.

Everything about my solution apart from the "special" button is ready.

I can sell this for 135EUR - the pack includes OBD interface cable, palm serial cable, palm car charger and software.  I currently have 7 ready for immediate delivery.
I also have couple of used palm units that I can send with the program installed on a first come - first serve bases for 20EUR extra.

I wrote another piece of software for the packtrakr, and will make that available next month.
I am posting a few screen shots of the latest development in my effort to get as much info from my car as possible.
The application runs on palm handheld, and you can see the status from the screenshots. I will publish more information shortly.
In the meantime I appreciate any questions or comments.
Use Norwegian if you like, I can read it.
Sitat fra: Ken på fredag 20. mars 2009, klokken 09:54
Where did these come from? I checked before posted my message.

Hihihi... I can be quite fast! :)
I just googled stavanger and found them... then it took a total of 10 min (most of it trying to figure a good way to list work hours) to add them.
Could not get info on the type of outlets available there - but I will leave that to someone that has actually seen them.
I can also help with "bulk" uploads of charging sites, if someone provides list of names, coordinates and connection info.

El rayo, I think T610 is a "MIDP1.0" phone.
I think that in some countries and some operators released it with "MIDP2.0" - but am not sure. The best way is to try. I do not have one of these at hand though. Let me know how it goes and I will look in to making MIDP1.0 version of the program if it turns out that it does not work.
Thanks gimegensjanse! Glad the program can be useful.
I updated the page with a list of phones that were reported to work with the program and list of phones that were reported to not work with the program.
I think I found a solution for the nokia phones, but it is not very clean and user friendly. I'll keep looking.

Thanks a lot for all the feedback!

There is a new version of the application that does call the server without "www".
I also put some photos ( of the application running on a SonyEricsson phone. Please note that you will need to see some kind of numbers on the screen (like in the second photo) in order to get meaningful results from the server. It may take up to 5 seconds for the number to show up.
Boogie, do you see any such numbers on the phones you tried? You should be able to see these numbers on the SonyEricsson phone you tried.

Ken, if you do not see the numbers on the screen then the server can not find your location. Is this your samsung phone?

gimegensjanse, I have been looking into the possibility to start either wayfinder or google maps mobile with direct link, but have not figured it out yet. I did not expect such interest. Maybe in a future version...

Please keep the feedback coming!

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