So where will we plug them in?
This is not an insignificant question, but neither is it the major hurdle some suggest. We'll plug in mostly at home, often at work and, if we need to, at a growing number of public chargers. Some bet swappable batteries will alleviate our range anxiety, while others envision fleets of quick-charge trucks rescuing stranded drivers. Optimists say we'll soon see batteries that can take us hundreds of miles, making the issue moot.
So where will we plug them in?
This is not an insignificant question, but neither is it the major hurdle some suggest. We'll plug in mostly at home, often at work and, if we need to, at a growing number of public chargers. Some bet swappable batteries will alleviate our range anxiety, while others envision fleets of quick-charge trucks rescuing stranded drivers. Optimists say we'll soon see batteries that can take us hundreds of miles, making the issue moot.