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stealthy recall for the 2020/2021 3/Y.
The A/C sensors are going bad
Tesla SW og AP / Version 2021.4.6
onsdag 17. februar 2021, klokken 20:42
Da fikk jeg akkurat melding i Tesla appen Software Update 2021.4.6.
Vet ikke hva den inneholder enda.

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e-Golf / VW oppgir at nye e-Golf har 7.2kWh lader er falsk
onsdag 18. september 2019, klokken 23:07
I spesifikasjonene til e-Golf oppgir VW at den har 7.2kWh ved 1 fase 32A kurs, dette er tall som ikke stemmer. Max mulig å oppnå er 6.67kWh, har nå testet i temperaturer fra 0 -25 grader fra alt fra start nivå 10-80% der bilen lading er blitt målt fra minutt til minutt. Dette er blitt klaget inn til Møller Billingstad, der de også bekrefter at de ikke på noen av de nye e-Golfen har greid og oppnå høyrer en overnevte måling. Måling som er gjort sammen med Meshkraft og med 4 forskjellige ladekabler både 1 fase og 3 fase 32A kabeler. Anlegget som er brukt til testen 22kW.

Anbefaler dere med nye e-Golfer å klage til VW slik at de må utbedre dette
Har splitter ny Tesla chademo-adapter til salgs.

Nypris hos Tesla: 4900,-

Selger for 3500,-

Kan hentes i Asker
«My X is in the shop right now for the shudder that needs no explanation. I just got a call from my SC that told me that they just got off the phone with a "senior" engineer from Cali that says there IS a newly designed part that is a permanent fix that will be shipping out to service centers soon. He said they dont have an ETA or even a ballpark as to when they would be able to get some in hand but gave me the option if I wanted to have them throw old new axles in today or wait for the newly designed ones to show up.

Supposedly, the new axles are going to have some sort of dampeners built into themto absorb any vibration and permanently end the shudder.

Just thought you guys would like to hear that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Made me happy to hear at long last.»
Tesla / Pål Simonsen Tesla Director of Northern Europe slutter
lørdag 30. juni 2018, klokken 07:46
Veldig synd, Pål var for oss kunder en meget dyktig kundeorientert leder.
Spennede å se hva som skjer med Tesla Norge Nå
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CEO Elon Musk asked his team to slow down the shipments – see full response embedded below.

The California-based automaker generally ships its vehicles to Norway through the port of Drammen, but it is experiencing capacity issues so they are instead going through Gothenburg port and having to use more trucks to move the cars to its stores and service centers.

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Tesla confirmed the change in a statement to Electrek today:

"As we continue to increase production of Model 3 and produce more high quality cars for customers, all Model 3 vehicles are being made with the same premium textile headliner found in our flagship Model S and Model X vehicles, which has always been planned at this stage of production."
Ny Premium headliner
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Alcantara som var før
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Dette kommer ikke til å holde seg bra i bil med barn :-1:
With all the recent rumors about Tesla using different chips for its computing solutions to power the Autopilot and infotainment systems in its vehicle recently, there's some confusion about Tesla's current onboard computers.

Today, we clear things up with a new exclusive first look at the computing platform inside the Model 3.

When Tesla introduced its Autopilot 2.0 hardware suite last year, it was equipped with a powerful computer powered by Nvidia chips.

It was likely the most powerful computer in a production car at the time, but Tesla already updated the system with Autopilot 2.5 hardware suite introduced last month."

Jeff Dahn anbefaler for de som ønsker å minimere degraderingen av batteriet å kun lade til 70%.
Jeff Dahn er en verdens fremste eksperter på Li-ion batterier og han er Tesla Industrial Chair .
Her er en link til videoen dere han har svart på en e-mail fra en Model X eier
Lagt ved printscreen fra denne video'n

Legger også ved en chart som Dale ett tidligere studie og ElonMusk sitt råd før Dale kom på banen
"But now several sources told Electrek that it is not the only change that coincided with the start of Model 3 production. We are told that a new onboard computer updated to include a secondary GPU for more computing power was also added. The new Autopilot hardware suite is internally called "HW 2.5".

In a statement to Electrek, a spokesperson confirmed the existence of the new hardware suite, but they downplayed its importance:

"The internal name HW 2.5 is an overstatement, and instead it should be called something more like HW 2.1. This hardware set has some added computing and wiring redundancy, which very slightly improves reliability, but it does not have an additional Pascal GPU."

The spokesperson also said that all Model S, Model X, and Model 3 vehicles being ordered today come with the new hardware."
Fra Teslarati
"Tesla emails YouTubers, "We will be deactivating any referral codes" that violate terms.

"From: "Tesla" <>
Subject: Reminder: Referral Program Terms

Thank you for your participation in the Tesla Referral Program. Every referral you make helps to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy, and we appreciate your support.

The intent of the program is to provide owners with something special to give to their friends. As such, commercializing, advertising, publishing, mass distributing, or selling referral codes is not appropriate.

We kindly ask that you remove your code from any broadly distributed channels. We will be deactivating any referral codes which do not comply with these guidelines.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding.

Best Regards,
The Tesla Team"

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Har Tesla flyttet deler av produksjonen til Tilburg Fabrikken ?

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