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Meldinger - dibun

TMX Hjul, dekk og felg. / TMX 100D 2018 Vinterdekk
lørdag 20. januar 2024, klokken 23:42
Jeg bruker Continental VK7 og ønsker å kjøpe nye vinterdekk. Jeg ser at Megahjul sier mye bra om Frigus ev ice 3. Er det noen som har erfaring med det?

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På forhånd takk!
Kjøpe elbil? / Sv: Kjøpe eller lease
fredag 05. mai 2017, klokken 23:57
Sitat fra: Trekkoppbil på fredag 05. mai 2017, klokken 22:49
With leasing i think it is common with 12, 24 or 36 months contracts, and limited kilometers.
At Gomore i see a 30kwh Tekna costs 66000kr for 12month,  and 108000kr for 24months 20 000km/y and insurance included.

How many km/year do you plan to drive?

My contract includes 12000km but I can increase with no extra cost.
Kjøpe elbil? / Sv: Kjøpe eller lease
mandag 01. mai 2017, klokken 02:04
Sitat fra: Miguel Rodriguez på søndag 30. april 2017, klokken 19:01
"Only" 1 out of 3 e-golfs in finn are from 2016. I think it happens more often in the elbil market. Maybe one doesnt buy it with the idea of selling it one year later but suddendly the car is outdated.

I am just discussing and open to hear the ideas. I am like dibun, I would need a car and I want to buy an electric car, but many new things are expected within 18 months.....what to do in the meantime?

The market is in it's evolving stage so there is always a gamble. The question is how much you are going to bet. With Leaf leasing I am going to lease from August the time when I need the car most. Remember the new leaf is going to be launched in September and first ones will be delivered in December. The fact is my name for the new leaf will be always on top I am hoping to get the leaf by Jan 2018. There is a risk that I may not like the new leaf but that risk I need to always consider. If I like the new leaf then in theory I am only leasing for 5 months. Then the deal is good.
Kjøpe elbil? / Sv: Kjøpe eller lease
fredag 28. april 2017, klokken 08:17
Sitat fra: arthur på fredag 28. april 2017, klokken 06:56
Sitat fra: dibun på onsdag 26. april 2017, klokken 14:56
Sitat fra: arthur på onsdag 26. april 2017, klokken 06:43
Price of new car about 200k. Leasing 20k upfront+ 2500 per month for a total cost of 50k means residual value 75% in first (one) year. Is that such a good deal?
I did lease a Toyota a few years back for three years and residual value after three years was calculated to be 68%. Well, it did cost Toyota a fair bit of money though as they lost the "bet".

The car they are giving me for lease is 30KW Tekna with leather seats, winter wheel and one service included. I will be added to list for new leaf when it comes out late this year.

Considering the fact that present leaf is 6yr old technology, the price will drop like a stone when the new leaf is released late this year. Same price drop is happening with old egolf.

I have checked leasing a lot and I cannot get a better deal than this and Nissan will cancel the leasing if the new leaf is delivered before lease expiry period.

It might very well be the best deal available if leasing a car is what you want to do. It still does not change the fact that in one year you pay off 25% of the value of the car. Do that four times in four years and you have paid off equivalent to 100% of a new car. So my main point is that leasing an electrical car at the moment is way too expensive.

That is true as the market is changing so fast. Ideally one should wait but how long. I someone buy Opel or new leaf next year it will get outdated in 1-2 yrs. So indeed it is a tricky situation.
Volkswagen E-Golf. Started with full charge after driving 130km only 28 Km left.
Kjøpe elbil? / Sv: Kjøpe eller lease
torsdag 27. april 2017, klokken 20:10
Sitat fra: svingen på torsdag 27. april 2017, klokken 08:14
@dilbun what happen if the New leaf is before 1 year? Gues the cash Upp front is gone? And you dont have som good "card" to push down the Price on the New sice you have to buy it from Them?

Nissan will cancel the contract if the new car comes before 1 year and they will consider discount on new car.
Kjøpe elbil? / Sv: Leaf 30kw, new egolf or Ioniq
onsdag 26. april 2017, klokken 15:03
Sitat fra: Vesel på onsdag 26. april 2017, klokken 11:58
I have driven all three cars. I'd go with the Ioniq. The Leaf is cheap, but dated. No technology. The 2017 e-Golf is a great car, but has an excessively high price tag. The Ioniq however, is both a great car and very reasonably priced.

Electric cars are bad for second-hand value anyhow. These days, the e-Golf thas such a high original price that I think it is bound to lose very much value in its first years. Probably wouldn't be so bad if it had been more reasonably priced from the retailers.

You should also consider Opel Ampera-e. It has a great range, which will surely count a lot when selling it one day.

I agree with you so that's why I am going with the leasing option. In one year I will have more options. Remember El Bil is still developing and it will long time to mature so there will be always new things coming.

Until they switch to new battery technology the only way to get more range is bigger battery and fast charging.

The market dynamics will change if govt. introduces MVA and bom from next year. I am sure most of us are using El bil because it is cheaper to run and not for the sake of environment.
Kjøpe elbil? / Sv: Kjøpe eller lease
onsdag 26. april 2017, klokken 14:56
Sitat fra: arthur på onsdag 26. april 2017, klokken 06:43
Price of new car about 200k. Leasing 20k upfront+ 2500 per month for a total cost of 50k means residual value 75% in first (one) year. Is that such a good deal?
I did lease a Toyota a few years back for three years and residual value after three years was calculated to be 68%. Well, it did cost Toyota a fair bit of money though as they lost the "bet".

The car they are giving me for lease is 30KW Tekna with leather seats, winter wheel and one service included. I will be added to list for new leaf when it comes out late this year.

Considering the fact that present leaf is 6yr old technology, the price will drop like a stone when the new leaf is released late this year. Same price drop is happening with old egolf.

I have checked leasing a lot and I cannot get a better deal than this and Nissan will cancel the leasing if the new leaf is delivered before lease expiry period.
Kjøpe elbil? / Sv: Kjøpe eller lease
tirsdag 25. april 2017, klokken 22:55
Nissan in Rud. I have the contract  ;D
Kjøpe elbil? / Sv: Kjøpe eller lease
tirsdag 25. april 2017, klokken 22:13
I received an offer for Leaf, 19990kr one time cost and 2490kr/month. The lease is for 12 months and the offer is from Nissan.
Kjøpe elbil? / Sv: Leaf 30kw, new egolf or Ioniq
tirsdag 25. april 2017, klokken 22:12
I am thinking to lease Leaf for one year. 19990kr one time payment and 2490kr/month. How it this offer?
Kjøpe elbil? / Kjøpe eller lease
tirsdag 25. april 2017, klokken 00:56
Next year 2018 many new cars will be in the market. Is it better to buy or lease? Which is the best short term leasing contract?
Hyundai Ioniq / Sv: Medlemskap i Norsk elbilforening?
tirsdag 25. april 2017, klokken 00:50
Sitat fra: Lensley Baya på lørdag 01. april 2017, klokken 12:32
Hei dere,

Jeg har nå bestilt en ioniq på leasing i 2 år hos leaseplan. Dette for å gå over til ny ioniq med større batteripakke når den kommer.

Dette er min første eierskap. Har i alle år kjørt bensin og diesel. Min nåværende bil er en 2013 Volvo v60 med polestar optimalisering, 180 hk. Morsom bil.

Har prøvekjørt Tesla, leaf, i3 og ioniq. Dett bort fra at teslaen er utenfor rekkevidde økonomisk, er ioniq beste alternativ for meg.

Jeg har allerede prøvd Tesla p85 på langtur, opplevelsen var god. Spørsmålet er om jeg trenger medlemskap i Det er vel å banne i kirken å spørre om dette her?

Bilen benyttes i hovedsak til pendling. Tilbakelegger 30.000 km årlig i dag. Men satser fra sommeren av å redusere dette til 18.000 km. Da er det innenfor km på avtalen.

Kommer til å prøve ioniq på lengre tur etterhvert.

Jeg tenkte også å lease. Hvor mye koster det å lease?
Kjøpe elbil? / Sv: Leaf 30kw, new egolf or Ioniq
tirsdag 25. april 2017, klokken 00:36
Golf has bigger battery than Ionic but a smaller fast charger. The specs of Ionic is impressive but since the market of Ebil is changing so fast the question is which car will hold it's value after 1-2years Golf or Ionic?
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