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Searching for a short interview from a Norwegian Tesla owner

Startet av Konokoco, tirsdag 22. september 2015, klokken 10:13

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I am a grad student studying at Rotterdam School of Management and my group is doing an assignment on Tesla and a part of that is Tesla's outlook in Europe. From what I've see from the sales figures and subsidies in Norway, there seems to be a good amount of Tesla supporters there.

If any of you Tesla owners would like to share a bit of your experiences of buying and owning a Tesla in Norway we would be very grateful to interview you through  email.

Best regards


I have owned my car for two years now and am generally fond of research(writing up my thesis for PhD now). Do you have an email address so I can contact you?
Eier: Tesla model X og Mercedes eqa
Eid: Mizubishi iMiev, Nissan Leaf, Tesla model S, Nissan Leaf


Tesla Model X 100D 2023 Ultra Red
Tesla Model X 75 2017 (SOLGT)
Tesla Model S 85 2014 (SOLGT)

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