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Subaru Solterra Off road - video

Startet av suverin, mandag 02. oktober 2023, klokken 09:22

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Auto Bears tester Solterra utenfor asfalten, og er godt fornøyde.

Noen sitater fra testen:
- You got the ground clearance, you've got all the angles if you need to kind of go over a crest or go up an incline, and that sophisticated all-wheel drive system, just giving you that confidence to know that you can go places that say a family in a Volkswagen ID4 won't be able to reach, so there is a nice little bit of a one-upmanship you can have then, if a couple of you are going off-road in your EV SUVs, especially in rough conditions, one of you is going to get stuck, and you can just plow on past them and leave em for dust.

- Oh wow! Yeah, that really did cope well with that! Now I could easily imagine something like a Hyundai Ioniq 5 struggling with that, or a Volkswagen id4, but this, not a problem!

- So yeah, If you are after an off-roading EV SUV, this is the one to go for!

Viktige vinkler og specs;
Approach angle 17.7°
Break over angle 18.2°
Departure angle 25.4°
Kjører Solterra og Model 3.
«Can the Solterra Subaru? - Holy shit! Yeah! There is absolutely no reason not to go do Subaru stuff in the Solterra!»


Sitat fra: suverin på mandag 02. oktober 2023, klokken 09:22Viktige vinkler og specs;
Approach angle 17.7°
Break over angle 18.2°
Departure angle 25.4°
For å sette det i perspektiv:

Rivian R1S
Approach angle: 35.6º
Break over angle: 29.6º
Departure angle: 34.3º

Jaguar I-Pace
Angle of Approach   17.1º   
Breakover Angle   12.6º
Angle of Departure   21.8º   
Model Y P 2022 | BMW CE 04 2022 | x - e-tron 55 SB 2021  x - e-tron 50 SB 2021 | x - e-tron 50 2020 | x - Model 3 LR 2021 | x - I-Pace HSE 2019 |
x - i3 120Ah 2019 | x - Model X 100D 2017 | x - i3 60Ah 2015 | x - Model S 85D 2015  | x - Model S85 2013


En R1S hadde vert saker! Men sto noen dårlige nyheter om Rivian og Norge i media her om dagen, så må vel importere selv skal det bli en slik!

Akkurat det med vinkler er ikke noe jeg har satt meg veldig godt inn i, men for spesielt interesserte så  forklarer denne det bra:

Kjører Solterra og Model 3.
«Can the Solterra Subaru? - Holy shit! Yeah! There is absolutely no reason not to go do Subaru stuff in the Solterra!»

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