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Voyah Free, ny Kinesisk SUV med 694 hk til Norge i juni

Startet av Blitz, fredag 18. februar 2022, klokken 19:30

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Fin bil, men jeg fant ut at Dongfeng er eid av Kinesiske myndigheter og gjør den derfor uaktuell for de aller aller fleste  av oss, siden et støtte til Kina er en støtte til Putin.

Voyah is entering Norway. Deliveries of 694 HP Free SUV to start in Q4

On February 17, Voyah officially announced it would enter the EU market with its first EV called Free. The first cars will arrive in Norway in June 2022. At the same time, the first Voyah overseas store will open in the center of Oslo, the capital of Norway. The deliveries will start in Q4 2022. After that, Voyah will enter other European countries and broader their product line.

Voyah is a high-end EV brand under Dongfeng. At present, its model line consists of only one SUV called Free. The car's dimensions are 4905/1950/1660mm with a wheelbase of 2960mm. There are three versions of Voyah Free. The first one is fully electric with rear-wheel drive and output of 347 hp and 520 Nm. The second one is also fully electric, has an all-wheel drive, and delivers 694 hp and 1040 Nm. And last but not least is the range-extended hybrid version with a 1.5-liter engine that charges the battery.

This car's hybrid version has a battery with 33 kWh and 140 km range (NEDC). Fully electric cars are equipped with 88 kWh batteries for the 505 km range (NEDC). The price range of this car in China is 313,600 – 363,600 RMB (49,480 – 57,370 USD). Voyah Free has passed the C-NCAP crash test with an impressive 5 stars and 91,3% safe score. On January 10,000th Voyah Free was delivered in China.

The new car is built on the ESSA platform. The suspension part is a combination of front double wishbones + rear multi-links, and the chassis parts use all-aluminum subframes and connecting rods. The materials are quite sufficient, which is positive for lightweight and dynamic performance. Significantly, in addition, high-end models will be equipped with air suspension, which will automatically lower when switching to the "high energy mode".
According to the official introduction, the free drag coefficient is 0.28cd.

The new car will provide L2 advanced automatic driving assistance functions, the sensing hardware is 3 millimeter wave radars, there will be total 9 cameras and 12 ultrasonic radars work together to achieve related driving assistance functions, including ACC full speed domain adaptive cruise, LKA lane keeping Assist, AEB automatic braking, 360° panoramic image, BSD blind spot monitoring and other functions; in addition, it also provides an effective active night vision system within 150 meters in front, which can identify pedestrians and animals.

The screen can be raised and lowered is the main highlight of LANTU FREE smart cockpit. The screen will be raised and lowered as the vehicle starts and stops. At the same time, the triple screens can be linked with each other, and the design is also integrated with the driving mode, in the "Voyah Performance" (High performance), the integrated liftable triple screen will automatically descend, the sports atmosphere lights will light up, the air suspension will adjust the body posture adaptively, and the sports fragrance system will be activated.

Prisen i Kina er 49,480 – 57,370 USD dvs  ca 441 000 - 513 000 kr (med 13 % mva).
Spennende å se hva den vil koste i Norge, spesielt siden det virker som de selge bilen direkte som Nio, Polestar og Tesla gjør. Dersom dette er tilfelle kan de kan unngå de prispåslagene som importører/forhandler tar på feks biler fra MG og BYD.
Lader på 800V og skal kunne ta i mot opptil 360 kW, 10 min skal gi 400 km (NDEC) rekkevidde. 
0-100 km/h skal være på 4.7 sek.   

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