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CCS upgrade, DIY How-to

Startet av Dala, fredag 19. november 2021, klokken 16:42

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Since I've now done battery upgrades & power upgrades, it is time to move on towards charger upgrades. The development in Europe seems to be >90% CCS for new quickchargers, so we need this for the aging LEAF platform.

I'll be doing the first pilot vehicle over the winter, I'll post video updates as more progress is made.

The end result will be a how to wiki/github page with all the components you need and instructions for how to do this modification on your own. Oh and did I mention all this will be available for free? Let's get started, here's the first video:


Jeg har fundert litt på CCS-modifisering selv, men CCS-protokollen fant jeg aldri ut av. Å bruke deler fra i3 virker ikke dumt. Disse kom forøvrig med Chademo i Japan, så det finnes en LIM-modul for Chademo-lading også om det har noen interesse for prosjektet ditt.

Kommer til å følge med på dette prosjektet.

Jeg går ut ifra at du tenker å benytte CCS-porten til AC-lading også, slik at en kan bruke kabel med Type 2-plugg i enden?


I don't see any reason why any car ovner would support CCS in favor of Chademo.

CCS is a low end technology with limited features, and it seems like anyone in the car industry with a hidden agenda did some lobbying for CSS.

  • CCS does not support Canbus, like Chademo and Tesla Supercharger do.
  • CCS does not support power out. The power grid industry in us, thinks most car will support power out in the future.
  • Chademo is a global standard. CSS uses different plugs in different countries. If you import a car, you might have to replace the CCS-inlet of the car, or buy a CCS-adapter from China.
  • Combined Charging port for AC and DC, might save some space, and make it possible to design cars with side feeding. Cars with front feeding has plenty of space, and CCS does not make sence on a front feeded car. For drivers, i think front feeding is more agile than side feeding, since you can charge from charger on the left hand side, the right hand side, and in front of the parking lot. Car producers seems to be found of side feeding: They are used to design petrol cars,  and they avoid to redesign cars like the Golf. Some CCS chargers are for left feeded cars, and others are for right feeded cars while you can charge any Chademo car at any Chademo charger, and it is easier to AC charge a front feeded car than a CCS car: you don't have to worry about if the power is on the wrong side of the car.
  • 400V chademo cars can be charged from a 800V charger, with an adapter
The global car manufacturer uses its power to restrict cheap  parallell export of cars from North America to the rest of world. New cars are cheap in the US, and electric cars used to be very cheap here, and after 1-3 years lease, the cars dumped at high volume auctions . And the industry does not permit parralell  export of newer cars.
The European car industry has chosen a charging plug that is different in Europe than the rest of the world.

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