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Zebra BMI charger type

Startet av svilen, tirsdag 24. august 2021, klokken 05:55

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I bought a car with a zebra battery,
who had a problem with the charger in the PCU, I fixed the hardware problem. Now the PCU is working. :)

However, the Zebra's BMI is set to charge from another charger (round connector on zebra BMI unit) . I need to set it to the standard charging method (from PCU)

Does anyone have any information for can messages between Zebra BMI & Zebra monitor (ID: 500h,520h,530h).
I don't have zebra software & Peak can adapter
I need a way to change only this parameter: charger type
May be some direct CAN message to Zebra BMI will do the Job.



Where are you located ? maybe there is someone here close to you and help you with the Peak adapter.


Sitat fra: pexic på tirsdag 24. august 2021, klokken 09:59
Where are you located ? maybe there is someone here close to you and help you with the Peak adapter.

Hi, I'm in Sofia, Bulgaria.



Hi Svilen.
I can send you the zebra software -please send me a private message with your email.
Regarding PEAK adapter you have two choices:

1- buy one (new is about 200 eur as far I remenber, from Germany) -

2-two trips to Bucharest and I can borrow you the adapter.

good luck !

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