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WE Connect and remote function of ID4

Startet av perimec, mandag 06. september 2021, klokken 10:17

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It has been almost 6 months that I have had my ID4 in Norway.  I must admit that the We connect app and all the remote functions are a complete failure.  None of the available functions show any reliability and consistency behavior. it is always a gamble to use the app to control any function of the car. 

just to say something just about the last week:
- 3 days of no updating charging status
- 3 times tried to remote start the air conditions, nothing... always errors
- tried to send a destination on the navigation system... it took 3 h to get to the car. Very useful function.

I'm fed up with this constant lack of functionality and the constant promise of having this improved in the next future by a car or software update. It has been six month and I have not received any major software update or new function. Cannot understand how this is possible. VW should be ashamed of what is delivering compared to what was promised.

Am I the only one having such a negative experience with the car remote functionality?


I am sorry to hear that you struggle with the app. I have had my car since June, and it has worked flawlessly all the time. It is connecting to the car in less than 30 seconds every time, and controls charging and climate control just as expected.

The one function that I haven't been able to use thus far is the sending of destination from app to car. I get a message in the app that this will take time, and that they are working to resolve the issue. To me that is still fine, since navigating to a single target is better done inside the car. What is more interesting to have in the app is route selection options based on availability of chargers. That would allow us to plan next day's trip from the comfort of the sofa, finding out where we want to stop, eat, which ferry departures to aim for, when to get to the destination etc. Simply sending an end location to the car makes little sense to me since route selection on less travelled roads for us is all about balancing the need for charging, nature calls, dog walks and not least - when to start in order to end up at the destination on time. Do you listen VW?

I noticed the other day that VW asked for a rating of the app, and included questions on how important various new functions would be to me as a user. It seems to me that they are gearing up their efforts to get up there with the best (Tesla?) even on the app side.

I have a feeling that the connectivity issues you are experiencing are not normal, and that there might be some installation errors in the FW in your car. Had it been my car, I would have asked VW for an assessment.
ID4 Pro Perf Tech


Sitat fra: perimec på mandag 06. september 2021, klokken 10:17
It has been almost 6 months that I have had my ID4 in Norway.  I must admit that the We connect app and all the remote functions are a complete failure.  None of the available functions show any reliability and consistency behavior. it is always a gamble to use the app to control any function of the car.

just to say something just about the last week:
- 3 days of no updating charging status
- 3 times tried to remote start the air conditions, nothing... always errors
- tried to send a destination on the navigation system... it took 3 h to get to the car. Very useful function.

I'm fed up with this constant lack of functionality and the constant promise of having this improved in the next future by a car or software update. It has been six month and I have not received any major software update or new function. Cannot understand how this is possible. VW should be ashamed of what is delivering compared to what was promised.

Am I the only one having such a negative experience with the car remote functionality?
Don't hold your breath.
They have promised better stability and functions since 2016.
No more cars from Møller and VW/VAG for me


Jeg øynet et håp om forbedring da spørreundersøkelsen kom, men kan vel ikke akkurat si at jeg holder pusten.
Man skulle tro at rating appen får hos google og apple skulle gjøre noe med motivasjonen til å gjøre noe..


Utvikling i VAG-konsernet virker utrolig tregt. Vil tro det er et evig byråkrati for hver minste lille funksjon som skal inn i app og infotainment.

Har erfaring med dette som utvikler/programmerer i Tyskland, men hadde håpet de også tok til seg smidige utviklingsmetoder som resten av verden. Ser dessverre dårlig ut.
2021 VW ID.4 1st Max
2014 VW e-Up


Det kan nok hende at utviklingsarbeidet er noe mer stivbent i Tyskland enn mange andre steder. Jeg er som sagt happy med at basisfunksjonene i appen virker fint, og at det er tegn til at ny funksjonalitet er på vei. Og så er jeg glad for at VW ikke er som Tesla og releaser litt her og der. Noe som virker, og noe som ødelegger det som virket før.
ID4 Pro Perf Tech


Det har jo vært sagt at appen gir raskere respons med 2.3 i bilen, vet ikke om det stemmer.
Jeg har ikke hatt trøbbel med min app, men må vente 10-02 sek før man ser at vifta starter.  Det er ikke som med etron som krasjet hele tiden. 
Mine videoer av Autopilot 2 Mine I-Pace videoer
2023 ID.4 GTX 2021 ID.4   2022 BMW iX40   2021 Model 3 LR   2019 Audi e-tron 55   2019 I-Pace HSE   2017 S90D


Synes det lille som er i appen fungerer greit, men likte f.eks bedre klimakontrollene der man fikk et bilde og kunne velge selv hva som skulle slås på som var i tidligere versjoner av den.

Og så er det jo fryktelig mye som mangler i forhold til den gamle We Connect appen som man har på e-Up og e-Golf.
2021 VW ID.4 1st Max
2014 VW e-Up


Min app ble oppdatert i dag - nå vises bilen med korrekt farge. Ellers noen små endringer ser jeg.
Synes dette blir bedre og bedre  :+1:


Får man tilgang til appen gratis ved kjøp av ny bil, og isåfall hvor lenge?


Sitat fra: Chivas på mandag 27. september 2021, klokken 13:05
Får man tilgang til appen gratis ved kjøp av ny bil, og isåfall hvor lenge?

Ja. 3 år.

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