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GAC Group achieves breakthrough in graphene-based fast-charging battery tech

Startet av Hansi, lørdag 31. juli 2021, klokken 12:58

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Recharge to 80% capacity in 8 minutes at its fastest, solving the pain point of pure electric models

Graphene, known as the king of materials in the 21st century, initially costs several hundred or even thousands of Chinese Yuan per gram, and was thus called black gold. At the GAC Tech Day held in July, GAC Group demonstrated its 3DG (three-dimensional graphene) production technology with independent intellectual property rights, solving the issue of high costs of graphene. The simple, stable, and efficient production method reduces costs to only one-tenth of the conventional method.

After achieving low-cost and large-scale production of graphene, GAC Group has also made major breakthroughs in the downstream application of its use. Among them, the electric vehicle industry is most interested in the graphene-based super-fast-charging battery. Compared to the current fast-charging time of pure electric models, which takes 30 minutes to recharge to 80% of battery capacity, this graphene-based battery has a 6C fast charge capability, combined with a 600A high-power charger, can be recharged to 80% capacity in 8 minutes. The battery has also passed the most stringent safety test - Battery Shooting Test, possessing quality and reliability of the highest standard.

This graphene-based battery technology is an industry leader. It will significantly shorten charging time, as well as greatly extend battery life, solving the current%u201C pain points%u201D of pure electric vehicles. The good news is that this battery technology has come out of the laboratory into real-world production. Aion V, the first vehicle model equipped with this graphene-based battery, has entered the mass production testing phase. It is poised to lead the electric vehicle industry into a new stage of development.

PushEVs: "The GAC Aion V will be the first electric car to be equipped with this super fast-charging battery technology, its mass production is already scheduled for September this year."

Opel Ampera-e bestilt 16.09.16, levert 08.06.17    Tesla Model 3 reservert 01.04.16
2011 Mitsubishi i-MiEV    2013 Nissan Leaf AZE0 Acenta (Norsk)



Opel Ampera-e bestilt 16.09.16, levert 08.06.17    Tesla Model 3 reservert 01.04.16
2011 Mitsubishi i-MiEV    2013 Nissan Leaf AZE0 Acenta (Norsk)


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