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Looking for type 2 charging cable recommendation - over 5m

Startet av Milkplus, mandag 28. juni 2021, klokken 13:31

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Hi there. Am in the process of getting a charger installed in my garage but unfortunately the contractor can only place the unit at the back of the garage. Due to the placement of the garage it's difficult/dangerous to not back the car in when parking, so therefore, I am on the hunt for a long cable that can reach to the front of my Kona.

Does anyone have any recommendations for decently priced cables that are over 5 meters? I have the 3-phase version of the Kona from 2020, so bonus points if it supports that!


This isn't really a Kona specific topic, so you should probably find a better place under this category:

But I wonder, the type 2 cable that came with the car, shouldn't it be 6-7 meters long? Unless they changed that lately of course. I think my cable is 7,5 m, but mine is a -19-modell without the option for 11 kW 3-phase charging.

From what i've read, the cables sold from are good quality, and not to expensive. I guess you would find a decent quality cable for an ok price at theirs.
Hyundai Kona Dark knight metallic med soltak - Kø# 2500, bil utlevert mars -19
Bosted Oslo


Ah, good point. I suppose it is more a general question.

And, yes, seems like they must have switched up the cables after 2019 as the one that came with my car is on 3m in length

Appreciate the tip, will check them out :)

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