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HELP chargin problem

Startet av perimec, tirsdag 11. mai 2021, klokken 18:36

« forrige - neste »


I have an ID4 and tomorrow I'm going to do the first long trip. I have parked the car at the usual spot for charging and because of the travel I wanted to charge to 100%. I did not manage with the app (some error) so I have done it on the car. Everything ok until I lock the car. As soon as I lock it stop charging.

I have soft reset the infoteinement system and still the same. Spent the last h with the customer support and nothing. they cannot remotely check the fucking car.. or at least this is what they say. What a crappy car. Regretting even more that I did not order a tesla.

However, does any of you had similar problem? if so how did you solve it? I have to leave tomorrow and I need the car.

thanks in advance


Haven't seen this and don't own an ID4 yet, so just a shot in the dark: Are you by any chance using the departure time setting? In that case, isn't the function supposed to only start charging just in time to finish at your set target time?


Hi thanks for the answer... the problem disappered magically. but still the app is completely frozen...


The «ignition» has to be off to charge. Doesn't ID.4 have automatic  start/stop as you enter/exit the car? If you then still use the manual start/stop button, the car might be in a different state than what you intended.
2016 BMW i3 94Ah
2019 Audi e-tron 55


Apparently, "everybody" are having problems with the app today. Maybe an update of the servers or something.


All having problem with the app?? ok then it is a mess. Spend 2h on the phone trying to fix and VW has no clue of anything.... arggg

Roy Aasen



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