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Th!nk popping sounds when turning/going forward and backward

Startet av Damir, torsdag 29. april 2021, klokken 22:17

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I have a popping sound when I turn the steering all the way left and all the way right, also when changing direction: when starting to move backwards and then forward. It only pops once.

The "pop" sound is to be heard somewhere around the left suspension. The sound is similar like hitting a suspension spring with a hammer, if that makes sense. Nothing else can be felt while driving.

The car was stationery for quite some time, around 1 year or so, before it got repaired.

Is there a shock absorber bearing in these cars? Could this be causing a problem?


Hi Damir

I think is not Think specific :)  it happens on every car - the problem may be the "CV joint / shaft "
Visit any car mechanic and he will tell you.


I will take this into consideration. However, I've had some old cars which had problems with CV joints and this one has no symptoms as such. The joints look good, no grease coming out of them, no rattle noises when turning and no vibrations while driving. It only pops once when I turn the steering wheel all to the left and all to the right. Also when I go in reverse and then forward.

The popping sound is more like if, all of a sudden, something gets out of tension.
So, my guess would be that it has something to do with the suspension spring or somewhere around.


I agree, you probably have a broken spring og worn top mount bearing.
Here's a nice video of the actual area/pieces:
Think lithium


My mechanic's conclusion is also a wared-out bearing.

There is no information about it in the manual and I also cannot find the replacement part anywhere online. Since there are a lot of Ford parts on the car, could it be actually a Ford part that I can get?

Perhaps I could also search for a tie rod and replace it, while I'm there.


Isn't it a Peugeot 106/Citroen Saxo part?
Since "every" other part "down there" is from these type of cars.


Yes, front suspension is mostly 106/Saxo and rear is Peugeot 206.
Lots of other parts is from Ford. 
Think lithium


Ok. I just spoke with the store and they said they have a strut bearing for a Peugeot 106, however since it has been only produced until 2005 - it's the newest they can get.

I guess I should take the car to the mechanic and take the bearing (if there is one actually) to the store and compare it. Same with the tie rod.


Have replaced the bearing (it was a 20 minutes job), but the sound is still present.

I think we will try replacing the other side as well.


nikometer? -


No. Most of the work has been done by my mechanic, I was just there helping out to loosen some bolts. It's really an easy work. Only thing to note is removing the headlight in order to easily access the three strut bolts on top.


Do you happen to remember the part number of the replacement bearing?
I find a lot with two screws, but the one on the Think is with 3... so I am not sure what to order.
nikometer? -



Attached is the list of common Th!nk parts used from other cars.


Other owners report that fixing the steering rack solved the problem.

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