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think 2009

Startet av jonandse, søndag 18. april 2021, klokken 21:32

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Hello Think-enthusiasts! I am from Sweden but reading up a bit on the forum I find various nationalities here so to maximize information spread I'll write in English. Luckily google-translate does a good job for everyone.

Today I bought VIN4169, a 2009 blue Think city which hasn't been used since 2016.
I now have the car on my driveway and the only thing I've done so far is to put a charger on the 12V battery.

Anything specific I should think(!) about or check before connecting the AC charging cable / EVSE?

I would appreciate all tools etc. I can get hold of, please feel free to send DM in norsk, svenska or english. I have been using the duinomite canview in a Prius project so I'll look into evmonitor if I can get hold of a duinomite board.

Fun fact: I grew up next to the Norweigan boarder very close to Aurskog and my cousin's wife's sister worked at the assembly line!



This is most probably Zebra battery - so you need to check that this works before anything.
The nikometer will show you basic info on the zebra and you can take it from there.

Last I checked electrokit in Malmö had duinomite mega boards.

Need to see if there are any cracks around the roof, and either repair them or reinforce the roof to avoid future cracks around the opening.

Good luck!
nikometer? -


Thanks BauDemo! Yes, I hope this will be a fun project to bring it back on the roads!

Yes, it's a Zebra battery, 26B VIN and says "Zebra" on a sticker at the charge port.

Duinomite ordered from Elektrokit!

Should I just plug in the EVSE and let the Zebra battery heat up or should I build the Duinomite Nikometer/evmonitor first?


Turns out the EVSE had a faulty Schuko cable.

It was quite easy to get the lid off the EVSE, just cut around the edge, unscrew 4x Torx T20 and bend slowly. I heated the rubber seal with a hair dryer to maybe 50 degrees.

I replaced the cable without unscrewing the main board from the base - top soldering.

Now it is heating the Zebra, wish me luck!  :)



Heating completed and started charging after approximately 30 hours. I have a power meter so I could see the power rise from 300W to maybe 1800W for a few hours and I took a picture of the dashboard showing the amp meter charging- but now it stopped.The coolant water pump runs for 4.5seconds and then it pauses for 8 seconds. Then the cycle repeats itself. It also illuminate an LED while running the coolant pump.

Elektrokit has shipped me the Duinomite board, should arrive tomorrow or Friday.

Any advice?


SOC at 35% but hey - it runs!! Drove a few meters back and forth. Noisy brake pump and loud coolant pump but maybe that's how they are by design?


The vacuum pump is noisy.
Be careful - 35% indication may not be what it really is.
Zebra batteries estimate battery SOC based on many factors and need a "recalibration" very often.
Don't drive much - check the voltage of the battery and see how that matches the SOC estimation.

Here are couple of graphs to help you out:
nikometer? -


That's great! Keep on writing. I follow with interest.  :+1:
I too have a dead Zebra-Think. I tried zebra-monitor, but could not figure out anything. Have put it away, waiting for spare time and maybe some help.  :)
Think lithium


Pictures of car and EVSE cable fix.


Duinomite arrived. Flashed Duinomite MM basic for CAN and ran into some compatibility issues with latest version but 4.3a worked fine. It can be downloaded here:

Tonight I'll craft a ODB <--> Duinomite CAN cable and we'll see how things are going!!


Nikometer reports 4 shorted cells and 222 degrees internal temperature, not heating and too cold to turn on neither charge or discharge.



The nikometer cycles the errors - is this the only error reported?
nikometer? -

Orla Pedersen

Repost, check Error-category and BMI-status.

I've made a "diagnostic" version of the software. It covers a bit more than the original "nicometer" and has a bit more "user friendly" messages.

It is far from finished, and there are most likely some faults left to be considered, so absolutely no garanties given. This is "as is", use it and develop it as you like, but please share here.
Find it here:!nk/diagnose/ , remember to change the ".txt" to ".bas" after download.

På dansk:

Projectet er langt fra færdigt, men da jeg ved at tid er en mangelvare og udsigterne til et "færdigt" diagnoseværktøj har lange udsigter, så får i denne version af mit diagnose værktøj til frit brug. Det er grundlæggende baseret på bauDemo's "nicometer", men udvidet med mere funktionalitet og en mere brugervenlig visning. Husk at der sikkert er fejl her og der når du bruger programmet, og meld gerne tilbage med de "bugs" du opdager. Der gives ingen garantier. Hvis du udvikler videre på denne software håber jeg at du offentliggør din version her.  :)
Orla Pedersen


Nikometer cycles a few different errors:
* AC heater relay *
* Waiting ok temp charge *
* Nr. of failed cells: 4 *

I just tried Orla's diagvga.bas version and it gave me some further understanding.

General Err 1
Thermal Iso err 0
Iso Test err 0 (YES!)
Ex Iso Err 0
BMI temp err 0
Wait temp err 0

Temp1 172.2 Temp2 174. ?

AC present 0

When I plug in the AC cable, AC present changes to 1.

Error-category Notice
BMI-status Power up
Batt. Temp. Err. OK

I'll post screenshots, sorry for the images appearing upside down. ?

Thank you all for chiming in and helping!

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