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Keeping my Kona clean - your thoughts/recommendations on washing

Startet av Milkplus, søndag 29. november 2020, klokken 22:06

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Hello! I'm interested to find out how other Kona owners out there are keeping their car clean? Now that winter is nearly here and the roads will start to get salted, how often are you washing? Do you do it yourself or at a car wash? What products do you recommend? I'm a new owner and keen to hear this topic discussed!


Washing it weekly at home as long as the ground isn't frozen.

I spray the back and lower part of the car with Surfex HD, then foam it with Magifoam and pressurewash it off.

Every 3rd/4th wash i handwash it with Koch Chemie Aktivwäsche after the surfex/foam/rinse.

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