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Se kw i batteri

Startet av jotuc, mandag 29. juni 2020, klokken 21:31

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Hur kan jag se hur mycket kw som är kvar i batteriet? Litar inte på rekkevidden i dashboard, då den ändrar sig upp och ner. Är det vanligt? Rekkevidden kan gå upp eller ner då jag stått parkerad bara några timmar.

Har canze men hittar inte det där.


The range will change according to how you drove recently (as it is based on an average on probably the last 200 km), and also how many kWh the battery reports back, which can also change after you parked due to the cells equalizing when not in use.
CanZE shows you this number, but not if  you have a ZE50.
What model do you have?

Another trick you can use is resetting the trip meter on the screen after you are done charging at 100%. This will tell you exactly how many kWh you used. From there you can deduce how many you have left since you know roughly how much the total capacity is.
E.g if you have a ZE40, the capacity available at 100% SoC is around 40 kWh. So if you drive say 100 km and the trip meter says you used 15 kWh, then you have 25 kWh left :)
Also remember that the available capacity at 100% SoC depends on the temperature. At -10C you might get only 35 kWh if the pack is cold.
2020 Zoe Intens R135 (Jan 2020 - present)
2018 Zoe Intens R110 (Nov 2018 - Jan 2020)
2016 Zoe Intens R240 (Aug 2016 - Nov 2018)

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