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Renault Zoe 2021

Startet av joeberg1, onsdag 03. juni 2020, klokken 11:59

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Jeg skal skrape min fossile bil neste år og tenkte da å gå for en Renault Zoe ettersom den ligger i den billigere prisklassen med god rekkevidde.

Har da en del spørsmål rundt Zoe som jeg ikke kan se at noen har laget andre tråder rundt.

- Er det slik at Renault oppgraderer Zoe hvert år? Slik at 2021 kanskje får enda lengre rekkevidde?
- Har noen som leser dette eller kjenner andre hørt om en Zoe som klarer kjøre Bergen - Filefjell/Hemsedal uten å lade? Er vel ca 250 km men ganske heftige stigninger da spesielt fra Flåm og 1000 meter fordelt på ca 90 km
- Videoer på Youtube viser at rekkevidden er ca 60% av oppgitt (398 km oppgitt) og heller lange ladepauser?
- Ser at avbrutt lading også har vært problematisk
- Er baksetet omtrent like lite som FIAT 500?
Kjekt om noen har tid til å dele erfaringer. Tenker spesielt på nyeste Zoe med 52 kW batteri men alle erfaringer funker.


1. No, no upgrade every year. I think the next version of the Zoe will be a completely different car and should come around late 2022/early 2023. It should have the same platform as the next Nissan Leaf so it will be a bit bigger.
2. 250 km during the summer is not a problem, even with the elevation you are mentioning. Is 1000m the total elevation between start and arrival, or the highest during the trip and then you get down again?
3. The total range depends on your average speed and elevation difference. If you drive at 130 km/h, you will not manage 395 km. If you drive at 80, you probably will.
4. I can not comment on that but I would guess it is very often the charger's fault.
5. I do not know about the Fiat 500 but the backseats in the Zoe are quite ok for a car this size.

The new ZOE ZE50 52 kWh is really nice to drive, is quite roomy inside and manages 250/380km (winter/summer) if driven around 80 km/h.
When fast charging during the winter, it is a good idea to do that after driving, not before, as the cold battery charges very slowly.
2020 Zoe Intens R135 (Jan 2020 - present)
2018 Zoe Intens R110 (Nov 2018 - Jan 2020)
2016 Zoe Intens R240 (Aug 2016 - Nov 2018)


Thanks for the replies :)
1. Ok so I guess they will only do small tweaks in software etc for the 2021 model.
2. The trip starts from zero to 100-150 meters with a distance of about 150 km, then ends up at elevation zero before the last 90 km which will go from zero to 1000 meters. So up and down almost all the time.
3. Speed on the western side of Norway is limited to 80 km/h sadly.

I was hoping it would make the whole trip without charging in winter. I kind of put that as a minimum criteria for a switch to electric car.
Other than that it fits my needs. The apartment complex I am living in are going to install e-chargers soon (or at least they said so without giving me a date).


Sjekk at det er TN nett der du skal lade bilen! Zoe er litt spesiell der.


If it is not too cold during the winter (less than -10C), you might make it :)
Worst case, you can stop as late as you can (i.e at the last charger before your destination) and charge with a 50 kW DC charger for 10 to 15 min and you are good to go.
By then the battery pack should be warm which is good both for the range and the charging speed.

As Knut says, the Zoe like TN only. But worse case, you can use the adapter it is sold with if your charger at home would deliver IT only. The adapter is a bit noisy due to the built-in fan and there is a bit of loss but it works :)
And it is compatible with both Type 2  and Schuko plugs.
2020 Zoe Intens R135 (Jan 2020 - present)
2018 Zoe Intens R110 (Nov 2018 - Jan 2020)
2016 Zoe Intens R240 (Aug 2016 - Nov 2018)


I think it will be a pretty hefty pulse rage if I try to drive the whole way. Since I like to plan ahead before buying I will check for charging stations with 50 kW DC on the way.

It says TN-S in the switch box. Just need to check the switch box at the cabin :) 


If you have TN at home, then all you need between your charger and the car is the Type 2 to Type 2 cable you get with the car, which is the best solution :)
2020 Zoe Intens R135 (Jan 2020 - present)
2018 Zoe Intens R110 (Nov 2018 - Jan 2020)
2016 Zoe Intens R240 (Aug 2016 - Nov 2018)

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