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Question on battery and charge

Startet av Rozojc, torsdag 25. januar 2024, klokken 18:43

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Hello. Apologies for writing in English, hope you don't mind.

I bought an MG ZS EV. It's the first time I have an electric car, and I've only had it for a couple of months. I don't use it much, so I haven't had to charge it much (maybe 8 times) but because I still don't have a charger at home, Ive had to mostly do fast charges.

Anyway, I know that with the cold weather the charge lasts less, but I noticed lately that the expected range is ridiculously low, and does not seem to match the percentage left. I got a message today saying I should charge soon, with low mileage left but with still close to 40% supposedly left... Is this normal?


Sitat fra: Rozojc på torsdag 25. januar 2024, klokken 18:43Hello. Apologies for writing in English, hope you don't mind.

I bought an MG ZS EV. It's the first time I have an electric car, and I've only had it for a couple of months. I don't use it much, so I haven't had to charge it much (maybe 8 times) but because I still don't have a charger at home, Ive had to mostly do fast charges.

Anyway, I know that with the cold weather the charge lasts less, but I noticed lately that the expected range is ridiculously low, and does not seem to match the percentage left. I got a message today saying I should charge soon, with low mileage left but with still close to 40% supposedly left... Is this normal?

Cold weather is no good for range. Cold weather and a lot of short trips, is not good for the 12V battery either. Maybe the "warning" was for low SoC on that battery?

Maybe you should go to a shopping mall and charge via AC, or a fast charger again, and then take your car for a longer trip, to see if the message goes away, and doesn't reappear so soon.

Driving for a longer trip charges 12V even on EV's, but actually so does it with just keeping the car running while still standing still, but that sounds like a boring task to do.

Fast charging may not charge that battery full enough because of to short time?
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When I had ZS EV 2020 for 3 years, it was the recorded consumption on the "total trip" that was used to actually estimate the range remaining.

I'm quite certain this has not changed with the facelifted version.
This means winter driving skyrockets consumption (naturally), and this severely reduces estimated range.
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