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Cheapest utility company?

Startet av Dr Thomas, mandag 10. februar 2020, klokken 16:03

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Dr Thomas

Apologies if this is already covered in Norwegian

For those owning an EV and a home charger, is there a utility company that comes recommended for lower prices?  Maybe at night for example?

Many thanks


Go for Tibber

They have a very transparent pricing model, and don't try to fool you.
39 NOK monthly fee, and 1.2 øre/kWh surcharge on the spot price

The surcharge changes every month based on their actual costs of el certificates, guarantees of origin, and balancing/trading costs

They have a referral bonus where you get 500 NOK to buy stuff in their store (buy a Tibber Pulse as a start)


Go for Gudbrandsdalen energi Winter spot 2020 , Only 9 kr monthly fee and 0 øre added to spot price.

Selger utstyr for EV lading og energieffektivisering via AS

Har for tiden Tesla S85, Smart ED, BMW C- evolution, Carver S+, Monotrazer MTE-150, Citroen C1 EVie, div. Think og PSA Classic og City 2010 model, Chin 3 hjuler Pickup, Buddy M9 samt Vectric scooter. Venter på Microlino og Aptera #2246

Daglig leder i


But make sure to switch when they increase the price!

That's the business model of GE, they frequently launch new spot price contracts, and then raise the price after 1-2 years, so not too bad compared to e.g., Telinet. They have gotten slightly more sneaky with Vinterspot, saying the monthly price is 0 kr/måned. The 9 kr/måned is hidden further down in the description as a "fakturahåndteringsgebyr" that you can't avoid, I'm actually not sure if this is compliant with markedsføringsloven?

My old contract (Spotpris Goo 15) used to be zero kroner, and 0.95 øre/kWh in 2016. Now it's 33 kr and 6.9 øre/kWh



Selger utstyr for EV lading og energieffektivisering via AS

Har for tiden Tesla S85, Smart ED, BMW C- evolution, Carver S+, Monotrazer MTE-150, Citroen C1 EVie, div. Think og PSA Classic og City 2010 model, Chin 3 hjuler Pickup, Buddy M9 samt Vectric scooter. Venter på Microlino og Aptera #2246

Daglig leder i


The price for electricity is almost the same from every electricity provider. The real cost (as of today about 75% of the total cost) is the grid connection fee that you pay to your local grid operator. And you can't change that without moving to a different part of the country.
Kjører 2017 Tesla Model X 100D - utlevert 1/12-17 - oppgradert til MCU2/HW3 og CCS


That's not true.

Most people can save probably around 1000 NOK per year by switching.
E.g., 15,000 kWh is the average consumption in Norway. Switching from Hafslund "Strøm til spotpris" (their most popular plan) to Tibber would save you 12*20=240 NOK on monthly fee and 5,7 øre/kWh *15,000 kWh = 855 NOK, for a total of 1095 NOK. 1645 NOK for GE vinterspot.

Not much for something that literally takes two minutes! It has become that simple

FYI: Electricity tax is around 1/4, but is hidden as part of the grid fee.


Gudbrandsdal energi er også flinke til å gi beskjed om prisendring og om en spør; bytte til det beste tilbudet.

Er nok derfor de har så stor kundetilfredshet som de har.

Selger utstyr for EV lading og energieffektivisering via AS

Har for tiden Tesla S85, Smart ED, BMW C- evolution, Carver S+, Monotrazer MTE-150, Citroen C1 EVie, div. Think og PSA Classic og City 2010 model, Chin 3 hjuler Pickup, Buddy M9 samt Vectric scooter. Venter på Microlino og Aptera #2246

Daglig leder i


So GE Vinterspot no longer exist. They probably moved the customers to the standard spot price deal?

Now it's GE Spotpris that has zero øre/kWh markup and 9 kr monthly fee

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