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Velger du å bestille deg en Peugeot e-208, eller vet du ikke eller sier du nei?

Startet av Electric cars in Norway, fredag 05. juli 2019, klokken 22:09

« forrige - neste »


Hoppet av på oppløpsiden. Kjøpte i3 i steden for med alt utstyr til ca samme pris som en GT line.

Som bil nr 2 så ble det valget enkelt.
Brukte spisepinner «solgt»
Brudekjole «gitt bort»
2 skiver med Nugatti «solgt»
Pent brukt engangsgrill « i bestilling»


- Peugeot announces the principle of closing several vehicle production sites, according to a schedule, up until 27 March, starting with Madrid and Mulhouse on 16 March, followed by Poissy, Rennes, Sochaux, Zaragoza, Eisenach, Rüsselsheim, Ellesmere Port and Gliwice on 17 March.

Sites at Hordain, Vigo and Mangualde will also be closed on 18 March, followed by Luton and Trnava on 19 March. The closure of the mechanical and crude sites will be adjusted accordingly. The management teams will implement the closure procedures locally.

The manufacturer justifies its decision by the acceleration in recent days of serious cases of COVID-19 close to certain production sites, the supply disruptions of major suppliers, as well as the brutal decline in the automobile markets.

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