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Mounting 2ch dash cam on hyundai kona - (enabling parking mode)

Startet av RRP, torsdag 30. januar 2020, klokken 13:36

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Does any one mounted a 2 channel dash cam on hyundai kona ev with enabled parking mode (hard wired/OBD 2 cable) ?

I am planning to buy a Blackvue -DR900S 2CH ( )and enable parking mode by connecting via an OBD 2 cable ( since I would park my car on public road.
1. I would like to know if I connect to ODB pin will it affect the main battery ?
2. Will the 12V battery would be always recharged by main battery or will it get recharged only if the charge dropped to a certain limit?
I don't opt for hard wiring since I read in some forums that it may break the warranty.
Any suggestions are welcome.

2022: Tesla Model Y LR (Ordered October)
2020: Leaf 40Kwh Tekna
2020: Hyundai Kona 2020 - Bought and Sold
2019: Leaf 40Kwh - Rented
2019: Hyundai Kona 2020 - Ordered

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