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Skvettlapper/Mud flaps for Zoe

Startet av minibiti, tirsdag 10. desember 2019, klokken 09:10

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I am looking for some feedback from those of you who have installed "skvettlapper" on your Zoé.
Is it worth it?
Does it really protect well, especially the front doors?
Is it easy to break when you drive up and down sidewalks or speed bump (fartsdump)?
Did you notice any loss of range/higher consumption?
2020 Zoe Intens R135 (Jan 2020 - present)
2018 Zoe Intens R110 (Nov 2018 - Jan 2020)
2016 Zoe Intens R240 (Aug 2016 - Nov 2018)


I have mudflaps on the front, and I think they make a difference. Less rockchips on the doors, and all in all a good addition. In this kind of conditions we have in and around Bergen, the car looks like shit now anyway.

Got the dealer to install them when I bought the car, so can't say anything with regards to range, other than that I seem to get what is accepted as decent range.
Driving style, typography and weather affect the range a lot more I guess.

Also, a good ceramic coating helps too.

Sent from my BLA-L29 using Tapatalk

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