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Dårlig Road Side Assistance

Startet av cemoz101, lørdag 12. september 2020, klokken 08:05

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Recently I had a flat tyre in the middle of the city in Oslo.

This was my first time having such an issue with the model 3. I decided to ring road side assistance.

Talking to the rep I had to tell my VIN number. She said I had a Model S, when I actually had a Model 3! I was asked what address the car was and then I had to actually spell out where I was located. I was actually quite amazed that the cars location was not made available via GPS. I spelled out the address and the rep thought I was in Denmark, when I was actually in Oslo, Norway!

I have the 19" stock summer tyres (Hankook Ventus) and I was told this might not be available. This came to an absolute shock to me. How on earth can Tesla sell thousands of these cars in Norway, but not have its own stock tyres available for emergency purposes ?

I was put on hold for a few minutes it was confirmed, no spare tyre or road side assistance would arrive, there was no loaner, and was told a tow service would take the car to a service center. I was first told they should arrive roughly in an hour.

After 1 hour wait, I called again. Another rep picked up, she said I could wait up to 2 hours. Frustration started to build.

After another 30-45 minutes I got a call, this time it was from someone from Tesla in Norway. He came clean and said that the first person did not alert a Tesla Service center on time, so there actually was no one coming and that if I wanted a truck, it would be another hour or someone would come for the car the next day. He apologised and I felt bad for him, but I had to speak my mind on how poor this was. That in the middle of the city, roughly after 5pm, no one can come to change a tyre and because of one person in the chain, I was left without a car for the evening and the next day.

If you sell a car without a spare and give the impression that there is 24/7 road side assistance, you should have the ability to swap out tyres or offer better service. I have a family and if this was in the middle of the woods, in the winter in Norway on low battery, this would have been very concerning. Yes, I have car insurance and they offered the same solution of a next day pick up, but the point here is: A) they didn't know what car I had, B) where it was C) they didn't communicate to the Tesla center D) (forgot to mention) they thought my car was leased and not owned!

If Tesla want to be a premium brand, they really have to step it up with after sales services and road side assistance. Mercedes would never leave you stranded in the middle of the city during rush hour.


Høres egentlig ut som den første personen du snakket med ikke visste hva hun drev med i det hele tatt, evt ønsket å sabotere. Tesla kan vel spore opp hvem det var, og rydde opp i dette. Tviler på at dette er normal behandling fra Tesla.
Tesla Model X 75D 7-seter FSD - Januar 2019
Model Y - Model 3


Never had to call Tesla Road Assistanse.
But, in my opinion Tesla was much better before Model 3 came on the market. It does not seem that they were able to handle the growth of customers. When Model Y comes I guess it will be even worse.
In my experience, when having problems these days, the Service Center now tries to blame it more on the customers or say that the issue is by design and won't be fixed.


Men ringer man normalt Tesla om man har punktert? Jeg har alltid ringt forsikringsselskapet om jeg trengte assistanse i slike tilfeller, trodde det var normalt? Riktignok er det mange år siden nå, Teslaen har jo dekktrykksovervåkning og jeg har nå jekk, hjulmutternøkkel, dekkreparasjonssett og 12V kompressor i frunken ;)
Forhandler av ladestasjoner og ladekabler, se
Kjører Tesla X75D fra mars 2017 og Model 3 SR+ fra oktober 2019.


Er det ikkje med skum i Tesla?

Det raskeste ved punktering er å bruke kompressor. Eller skum (om skaden er liten nok) og kjøre til ett dekk verksted. Dekk verksted kan reparere dekket om skaden er liten. Er den stor, eller i dekksiden må dekk byttest. Da skal dekk på samme aksel være lik, også lik slitasje?

Dvs en kan oppleve to dekk må byttes.

Ved å bruke kompressor og skum slipper en å vente på rednings bil i timesvis.
KONA Electric Long Range Premium 2024
Citroen C-Zero 2012 solgt
Hyundai KONA Electric 2019 solgt


Sitat fra: TB på lørdag 12. september 2020, klokken 09:07
Er det ikkje med skum i Tesla?

Det raskeste ved punktering er å bruke kompressor. Eller skum (om skaden er liten nok) og kjøre til ett dekk verksted. Dekk verksted kan reparere dekket om skaden er liten. Er den stor, eller i dekksiden må dekk byttest. Da skal dekk på samme aksel være lik, også lik slitasje?

Dvs en kan oppleve to dekk må byttes.

Ved å bruke kompressor og skum slipper en å vente på rednings bil i timesvis.

Ofte holder det med kun kompressor, om det f.eks står en skrue i dekket. Det kan da ta timer før luften siger ut igjen. Skum bør unngås om man kan, da det tetter igjen dekktrykksensorer og generelt lager mye klin som må renses.

Hverken skum eller kompressor følger med Teslaene. En 12V kompressor får man billig på f.eks Clas Ohlson. Grei forsikring det.
Forhandler av ladestasjoner og ladekabler, se
Kjører Tesla X75D fra mars 2017 og Model 3 SR+ fra oktober 2019.


Tesla Model X 75D 7-seter FSD - Januar 2019
Model Y - Model 3


At du fikk flatt dekk har vel strengt talt ingenting med Model 3 å gjøre... Men elendig service du har hatt.

Har hatt ok erfaring med Tesla Service når bilen min gikk i dass. Noe ventetid, men de svarte og stilte opp.

Ved flatt dekk ringer jeg nok forsikring eller NAF.
2020 Model 3


Sitat fra: cemoz101 på lørdag 12. september 2020, klokken 08:05If Tesla want to be a premium brand, they really have to step it up with after sales serv. Mercedes would never leave you stranded in the middle of the city during rush hour.
For the future...

A flat tire is not something you should bother Tesla Roadside Assistance OR the  Roadside assistance of any other premium carbrand with.
It should be covered by your car insurance.

As others suggest it is also recommended to have a tire repair kit in your car.
Tesla Model 3 Long Range


Some flats cannot be patched up with a kit.

Tesla later said that the tyre was beyond repair and I had to purchase a new one. Luckily, the summer tyres were not very worn so I was able to get away with purchasing one and not replacing the front pair.

In terms of not bothering Tesla on flats, I completely disagree. Replacing a tyre is something they should be able to do. Yes, insurance is an alternative as well as NAF, but given that the fact that the car is sold without spares and road side assistance is offered you would expect them to do better.

In fact, I had a Mercedes and their road side assistance did come with a Mercedes Vito with a loaner tyre and fixed things in a couple hours.

Below is what the actual Tesla Road Side policy states. My biggest concern is how little loaner tyres there are and the poor communication. The fact that they can't locate your car via GPS or know what model you have with the VIN given is unacceptable.

Lesson learnt here is don't rely on Tesla but rather on insurance and be a member of NAF. :)

- - -

Flat Tires

In some markets, our trained roadside assistance providers carry a limited number of loaner wheels to quickly
replace a damaged wheel or tire. Service Centers may repair or replace your damaged tire at your cost. Please
make arrangements with your Service Center for this service. Pricing and availability is subject to change based
on location. Loaner wheels must be returned to the Service Center within three days or an agreed upon time
with service which will be exchanged for your original wheel.
If a loaner wheel is not available, transportation services will be provided to the nearest Service Center or
other location, so long as the desired destination is within 50 miles (80 km) of the vehicle's current location.
You are responsible for transportation costs beyond this distance, or for any subsequent transportation costs.

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