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Lunaz lager elbil av gamle Rolls Roycer

Startet av OhmPaPa, mandag 04. november 2019, klokken 15:05

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The car features a battery pack made up from brand new lithium ion battery cells built in house by Lunaz. The pack is split into two halves with one half mounted under the bonnet where the engine used to be and the other half mounted under the boot (trunk) floor where the petrol tank used to be. This unusual (and more expensive) approach allows us to fit more batteries than would have been possible with a single pack, so we can use a powerful motor and still achieve a good vehicle range on a single charge. The Phantom V is a big car and as such uses the largest battery pack we make at Lunaz to give the longest range we can. It will easily run all day long in city traffic for a chauffeur.

We have chosen an electric motor supplier that offers a range of motors which all come in very similar shaped casings and which have similar electrical drive requirements but cover the range from 135 bhp to 590 bhp. The same is true of our inverter supplier and for the larger power outputs we just fit two. All of our power trains are controlled by our in house developed Chassis Control Unit (CCU) which is programmed directly using industry standard Matlab Simulink models by our own development engineers. The CCU forms the hub of our Powertrain solution allowing us to programme exactly the functionality we want, allowing new features for a classic car like traction control, cruise control and driven wheel slip detection under regenerative braking. It also enables us to send outputs to the vehicle dashboard that allows use of the classic original instruments to display speed, revs, temperatures and to repurpose, for example, the fuel gauge to display battery state of charge.

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