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Have 2 Think city for sale (as spare parts)

Startet av Knight, søndag 11. august 2019, klokken 22:52

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Hi All

Have back in 2016 bought 2 Think city from the middle of 2009, my idea was to get them both up and running but I never found the time to realize this dream.

I did get one of them up running for a short time, this until the Zebra battery did overheat and several cells were damaged.

The cars have been sitting idle in storage for the last 2½ years as I have had other things taking priority.
I have realized I will not have the time I am selling both as spare parts. I sell them only as hole car for 2000 DKK. apiece, the price is set at this low level as this is the scrap value in Denmark.

Both cars are in the middle of Jutland (Silkeborg)

Also, am also selling,

   * Peak USB can bus adaptor. (Price was over. 2.000 DKK) - 750,00 DKK (Sold)
   * DuinoMite board set up with software to monitor. - 300,00 DDK
   * Think city charger (the price was over. 3.500 NOK, used very little) 1.000,00 DKK


Car number 01
Odometer is on         = 14.000 Km
serial number (is last 9)   = 68J004267

Has no Zebra battery but did run before it overheats.
Zebra cells have been removed, but have them still.


Car number 02[/b]
Odometer less than      = 14.000 Km
serial number (is last 9)   = 28J004248

Have not spent much time on this car, but it also seems to be the Zebra battery that has failed (this is, however, a guess)



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