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Ettermontering hengerfeste ikke mulig?

Startet av cheesy_09, fredag 05. juli 2019, klokken 17:52

« forrige - neste »


The petition has been delivered to Tesla Europe's headquarters, and was received by their Communications Officer :) I was promised to receive a in depth response as soon s possible. I will keep this forum updated on the developments! :D

Du kan ikke vise dette vedlegget.




Kanskje en koordinert aksjon hvor man teppebomber alle tweeter fra Elon med spørsmål om når vi får ny typegodkjenning med hengerfeste på "gamle"  3ere er løsningen? (Og nei, jeg forventer ikke at det blir gratis. Jeg er villig til å betale for det...)
TMY LR Levert 13/9-21 i Tromsø  Solgt
TM3 LR Levert 15/3-19 i Tromsø


Sitat fra: cheesy_09 på torsdag 11. juli 2019, klokken 16:05
The petition has been delivered to Tesla Europe's headquarters, and was received by their Communications Officer :) I was promised to receive a in depth response as soon s possible. I will keep this forum updated on the developments! :D

Du kan ikke vise dette vedlegget.

@cheesy_09, any update on the petition?
TMY - LR AWD (2022 HW3)


2 måneder uten svar er jeg redd. Skjønner ikke hva Tesla driver med. Er jo bare å sende et godkjenningsnotat til Tesla HQ i de ulike landene. Og så kan kunder få ettermontert selv og få det godkjent. Trenger ikke noen ny EU typegodkjenning i Norge. Kun info fra Tesla om vekter osv, og så utsteder de nytt vognkort.

Gjorde dette selv for en tid tilbake på en gammal import Mercedes fra 1991. Der fikk SVV bare et skriv fra importøren i Norge (Betel O Steen) og så sendte de nytt vognkort i posten :) :+1: .

Det har også vært et crowdfunding prosjekt i Tyskland for å godkjenne Model S for å trekke henger. Her har alle relevante institusjoner og myndigheter vært inne i bildet og siste nytt er at alle tester nå er godkjent. Dette vil resultere i en ny EU godkjenning for Model S til å trekke henger. Men om det blir relevant for Norge er vel tvilsomt i og med at SVV krever godkjenning fra Tesla.

Men da kunne Tesla bare fått innsyn i dette arbeidet i Tyskland og godkjent på vegne av dette. De har gjennomført alle tester som øvrige Tyske bilprodusenter går gjennom for å godkjenne tilhengerfeste.

Tilbakemeldingen fra testerne var at Model S oppførte seg eksemplarisk i alle tester. 
2017 Tesla Model S 75D
Bestilt 31.8.2017 - levert 4. desember
2016 BMW i3 94ah Fully Charged Protonic Blue
Produsert 26.8.2016 - levert 16.september 2016.
Min første elbil :)
Helelektrisk bilpark fra 4. desember 2017


Sitat fra: sfinxern på søndag 15. september 2019, klokken 21:29Det har også vært et crowdfunding prosjekt i Tyskland for å godkjenne Model S for å trekke henger. Her har alle relevante institusjoner og myndigheter vært inne i bildet og siste nytt er at alle tester nå er godkjent. Dette vil resultere i en ny EU godkjenning for Model S til å trekke henger. Men om det blir relevant for Norge er vel tvilsomt i og med at SVV krever godkjenning fra Tesla.

Men da kunne Tesla bare fått innsyn i dette arbeidet i Tyskland og godkjent på vegne av dette. De har gjennomført alle tester som øvrige Tyske bilprodusenter går gjennom for å godkjenne tilhengerfeste.

Tilbakemeldingen fra testerne var at Model S oppførte seg eksemplarisk i alle tester.
Har du referanser til dette prosjektet? Hva skjer ved import av en slik Model S fra Tyskland til Norge?
2016 Tesla Model S
2011 Mitsubishi i-Miev


2017 Tesla Model S 75D
Bestilt 31.8.2017 - levert 4. desember
2016 BMW i3 94ah Fully Charged Protonic Blue
Produsert 26.8.2016 - levert 16.september 2016.
Min første elbil :)
Helelektrisk bilpark fra 4. desember 2017


Holder svaret på Engelsk pga. trådstarter:

It would definitely be interesting to see if the model S could be legally retrofitted with a tow bar.
I think sales would be much higher, at least here in Scandinavia, if it was possible.

Tesla seems to not fully understand the non-American markets, which I find a bit strange. It's not like you need a masters degree in social sciences to notice that 50% of vehicles sold in Norway in 2010 had a tow bar. Or that we love station wagons. Or that the French can't park a car without using the bumper.

Personally I've retrofitted a tow bar to the last two vehicles I've owned, and I'm currently waiting for a model 3 with a tow bar. Retrofitting to newer vehicles is a bit more complicated as you need an interface with the car (a wiring/trailer module). For my current 2005 Audi A6 I paid as much for this controller (that unlike Tesla actually provides a fully functional 13-pin socket with trailer brake and stability control) as I did for the tow bar. It's an aftermarket controller, because getting one from Audi would have been prohibitively expensive and the car didn't have the correct wiring loom. Installation consisted of pulling out select CAN-bus wires from a connector, putting them in the kits supplied connector and running a few back. This way the controller sits on the CAN-bus in a proper way. In addition I had to install a fuse for the controller in a free slot in the fuse box, and run the wiring loom through the trunk and out. A relatively simple process that was much faster than figuring out the horrible diagrams that came with my Spanish tow bar.

Controller installation in an A6 (for those interested)

Now, as I understand, model 3 has the trailer wiring on the VC Left controller. I think it was in this video ( that Ingineerix talks about it, if not it was in another where he discusses the body controllers.

Older vehicles don't have any wiring connected. It is quite possible that installing an aftermarket tow bar for the purposes of towing a trailer would require one to run wiring all along the car to the VC left body controller. It could also be that the model 3 vehicles that are delivered now have different revisions of the body controllers and wiring loom. What I do find strange is that they also say that if you don't get the tow-bar factory fitted it is still not possible to retrofit one. I've seen comments on reddit suggesting that the model 3s with a tow bar has a different rear sub-frame.

I'd be really interested to see and compare hardware in a new model 3 with a tow bar compared to a new one without and an old one without.


I hope the linked initiative will be the solution for us.

I sent a question to the project if they have any plan to recertify the cars with their solution to be able to tow a trailer legally.
TMY - LR AWD (2022 HW3)


I don't know how Teslas OEM towbar looks like, but what they show on the kickstarter looks quite weak tbh. The fact that it bolts to the back of the car and isn't inserted into the frame makes it look really weak structurally. Works for putting a bike rack on it, but I don't think you expect to tow with something looking like that.

Compare this to the tow bar fitted to my Audi:

All loads are on the bolt, not the head of the bolt. Thats a significant factor.


The towbar for TMS from Germanys initiative looks strong enough and have been certified for towing 1850kg.
2017 Tesla Model S 75D
Bestilt 31.8.2017 - levert 4. desember
2016 BMW i3 94ah Fully Charged Protonic Blue
Produsert 26.8.2016 - levert 16.september 2016.
Min første elbil :)
Helelektrisk bilpark fra 4. desember 2017


Sitat fra: The_M på tirsdag 17. september 2019, klokken 10:08
I don't know how Teslas OEM towbar looks like, but what they show on the kickstarter looks quite weak tbh. The fact that it bolts to the back of the car and isn't inserted into the frame makes it look really weak structurally. Works for putting a bike rack on it, but I don't think you expect to tow with something looking like that.

Compare this to the tow bar fitted to my Audi:

All loads are on the bolt, not the head of the bolt. Thats a significant factor.

TM3 Towbar from Owners Manual:
TMY 2021 LR AWD • BMW i3 2021 120ah FC

Jeg: Unnskyld, men jeg fikk tilbake bilen etter garantiservice hos dere med 30 cm oppkrubbet støtfangerhjørne.
Tesla SC Rud: Alle ansatte skal rapportere inn slikt og det er ikke gjort, så det kan umulig ha skjedd hos oss!


Så er det på tide å lære seg norsk. Dette er ett norsk forum.
Tesla model 3 performance 2019
Leaf 30kw 2016
Mazda 6 2.2 optimum 2014 solgt


Sitat fra: mikaelf på tirsdag 17. september 2019, klokken 00:18
I hope the linked initiative will be the solution for us.

I sent a question to the project if they have any plan to recertify the cars with their solution to be able to tow a trailer legally.
Selve hengerfestet ser ut til å være fra ACS. Det brukes på biler med opp til 2 tonn hengervekt.

Det originale er Westfalia A40V
2016-2019: TMX 90D AP1
2019-2021: TM3 LR AWD HF
2021-2021: TMY LR
2021-        : TM3 LR 82kWh HF

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