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15% økt rekkevidde for 9000 kr

Startet av Stikkkontakt, mandag 06. mai 2019, klokken 10:11

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Mer rykter fra "Captain.Plummet"  i UK forumet. Avventer med spenning om disse ryktene er korrekte.

SitatRange increase is reported as 18 miles with improved battery temperature temperature management in standard day conditions (15degC). Warmer weather is definitely improving range for me in any case - I saw 250 miles yesterday (17deg) with half the trip at 50mph and the rest driven at 70mph on the GPS (77mph indicated). It should just about be possible to get to 300 mile range after the update in warm weather if driven carefully.

SitatThis info is from a very reliable source but I cannot tell you when they will release the update.

SitatI think the Etron might turn out to be a lemon. It is so heavy and draggy that it is possible that 200 miles is very optimistic. In hilly areas the range will be less. Regeneration replaces only a fraction of the power used to climb and of course extra weight isn't any advantage unless the car decends at unlimited speed.
Low drag and low weight are the two key determinants of long range in an electric vehicle. Battery capacity is important of course, but a few kW either way is irrelevant in comparison to drag and weight. Jaguar made a huge effort to keep the weight down and have been very successful considering that without the batteries the car weighs only just over a tonne. They made even the brakes as light as possible and I think you can feel that at times. As we've discussed in other posts, Jaguar have sacrificed drag for brand styling which isn't necessarily a good choice for some owners but fine for others. The I-Pace is very close to being a great all-round EV given current tech and I think it will remain so for quite a while. With the battery management update the usable range will be a solid 250 miles which is in Tesla territory and way better than the Audi for which sub 200 miles won't be enough. I imagine that we'll be queueing behind ETrons at charge points more often than we would like.


Dette må jo være herlig lesing for dere som har satset på I-pace :+1:
Gratulere uansett, for bilen er i hvert fall meget pen og sporty. Hadde Jaguar kjørt en like god rentekampanje den gangen vi gikk for S75D, så hadde jeg kanskje vært en stolt I-pace-eier.
Tesla Model S75D 2018 MCU2 FSD HW3
"the car is driving itself, the driver is only there for legal reasons"


Har 2 sett (vinter og sommer) med nye ubrukte 18" style 1022. Ønsker inbytte, med mellomlegg selvfølgelig, til diamond tune 20"/22". Kjører sjelden langturer og ønsker  et sett større, helst med sommerdekk. Gi meg en lyd om noen ønsker å nedgradere for økt rekkevidde.

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