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Replacing and relocating the 12V battery - think ..U0060..

Startet av pexic, mandag 22. april 2019, klokken 18:55

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Hello friends

Utill my friend will come and help me to remove the Enerdel defective battery I was starting to replace and relocate the 12V battery since I will need to connect/dissconect it quite often during the whole time while my Think will be restored/repaired in my garage.

I have AC so it was quite difficult to find a place for the new, smaller and only 5Kg, Lithium tithanate battery.

I found this temporarily solution :
Du kan ikke vise dette vedlegget.Du kan ikke vise dette vedlegget.Du kan ikke vise dette vedlegget.Du kan ikke vise dette vedlegget.
Du kan ikke vise dette vedlegget.Du kan ikke vise dette vedlegget.Du kan ikke vise dette vedlegget.Du kan ikke vise dette vedlegget.
Du kan ikke vise dette vedlegget.Du kan ikke vise dette vedlegget.

If this location will remain the final one then I have to think for some water protection.
Thanks for reading and for future feedback.


This is where my Think has a cabin air inlet... and deep behind your battery I think I can see the cabin filter still there...
Also what is keeping the battery from lifting up when you drive thru a bump on the road?

nikometer? -


Hello BauDemo and thank you for your feedback.

Sitat fra: BauDemo på tirsdag 23. april 2019, klokken 09:44
This is where my Think has a cabin air inlet... and deep behind your battery I think I can see the cabin filter still there... 
Same in my case, I don't see too much trouble to change the air filter, I have to seal the usual air inlet from the hood but I don't think this would be a problem also.

Sitat fra: BauDemo på tirsdag 23. april 2019, klokken 09:44Also what is keeping the battery from lifting up when you drive thru a bump on the road?
I will be fixed, the work is in progress :) I just have to stop here regarding 12V battery since my first goal has been reached :  Now I can easily connect/disconnect/measure the 12V battery.
I need this feature since I'm starting to repair the Enerdel battery.

Have a nice day!


as I am thinking of a similar solution:
why did you use 5 cells? shouldn´t 4 cells be enough?



Hi Wolfgang
It depends what kind of cells do you use.
If you choose LiFePo4 type (3.2v per cell) then 4 cella will be ok.
I use Lithium Tithanate  Oxyd cells (2,4v per cell) so I needed 5 cells .

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