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Makeing sense of the parameters.

Startet av motorulf, onsdag 10. april 2019, klokken 10:53

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I put the PCU_G_062_003_00D.hex-file into my PCU. (the one found in Think Software(c)
Then started to modify some parameters.
I could decrease power to the motor but not increase.
I don't understand where the limitations are, i have tried to increase the current setting in a few parameters, with no apparent results.
I managed to make the top speed higher though, but that only works in declines as i only get around 15KW at that speed.

Maybe we could figure out the parameters together?   :)
The pcu_variables-files in the Think Software(c) does not match up with the ones in the PCU acording to the CHAS software.
And also if it did, it does not explain the meaning of the parameters .

I did screenshots in CHAS and put it together in a loooooong picture file:

Some of the parameters i think i have decoded, but can be very wrong (most likely).
Some of these might be real time parameters (unchangeable).
Feel free to contribute in any way, even criticism... 

100 UBatMnCsw minimum battery voltage for operation
101 UBatMxCsw maximum battery voltage for operation
102 IabsRtd Limit for retardation current (regen)  ??
103 IabsMx Limit for driving current
104 IabsOvrCur Inverter shuts down operation over this current
105 PolePr Pole pair of the motor, there are 2 in the think city

114 IdRf Reference for field-generating current
115 IqRf Reference for torque-generating current
116 K_slip Constant slip frequency
117 ubat Something with voltage from battery
118 Uq Torque generating voltage   ???

309 PsPrLm Power limit in drive mode
310 PsTrqLm Torque limit
311 PsLmE Power limit in eco-mode

318 MxNgPrLm Power limit when BMS signals power limit

370 Fan_Hpwr_Off Temp for fan off
371 Fan_Hpwr_On Temp for fan on

384 OsE_Thr Speed where the throttle tapers down, E-mode
385 OsE_Mx Max speed, E-mode

388 OsR_Thr Speed where the throttle tapers down, Reverse-mode
389 OsR_Mx Max speed, reverse mode
390 OsE_Thr Speed where the throttle tapers down, D-mode
391 OsE_Mx Max speed, D-mode

393-448 Iq0 Mapping of torque-generating current for regen braking
449-455 Iq0M Some other mapping of max torque-generating current

484 UbtMn minimum battery voltage
485 UbtMx1 maximum battery voltage
486 IbtPs maximum positive battery current
487 IbtNg maximum negative battery current


Oh yeah...
If someone with a modified SW (50kw) could screenshoot their paramaters in CHAS it would be extremely helpful.

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